James P. Pinkerton - Page 3

Articles by James P. Pinkerton

Pinkerton: Five Hard Lessons from America’s 20-Year Journey Since 9/11

After 9/11, it seemed that we were in a battle against evil. And without a doubt, Osama Bin Laden was evil. And yet strangely, the American government chose not to focus on him or even on al Qaeda. 9/11 was a test, some of which America passed and some of which it flunked. Here are five lessons to learn.


Pinkerton: The Case for Demanding Covid-19 Reparations from Communist China

If the China is responsible for the virus, then China should be liable for its costs. Human ethics, common sense, and even international law tell us that the communist regime in Beijing should pay for the harm it caused. Here’s how the U.S. and the world could seek compensation.

A paramilitary police officer wearing a protective facemasks to help stop the spread of a

Pinkerton: What the Tech Tycoon Space Race Means for the Rest of Us

The future of space exploration will likely be some sort of public-private partnership. If space-bound billionaires are willing to do their part for the nation and if American political leaders have the vision to see space travel as a 1492-like opportunity, then this could be the beginning of a new epoch of American Greatness. 

Photo by: Dennis Van Tine/STAR MAX/IPx 2021 7/11/21 Richard Branson takes flight today wit

Pinkerton: A Bad Romance — How Republicans Fell Out of Love with Big Tech

The Republican romance with Big Tech didn’t work out as planned. The Big Techsters, confident of kneejerk Republican support for low taxes and deregulation, were free to follow their bliss on avant-garde woke social issues. In other words, the GOP was safeguarding Big Tech, while the Techsters, taking Republicans for granted, acted like good Democrats.  

Silicon Valley Masters Of Universe