Delingpole: Huawei, Coronavirus, and Boris’s Great Brexit Betrayal
Even before the coronavirus raised its terrifying head, buying 5G technology from China’s Huawei looked like a bad idea for Britain.

Even before the coronavirus raised its terrifying head, buying 5G technology from China’s Huawei looked like a bad idea for Britain.
Actor, anti-woke hero, and shameless Trump fan Laurence Fox has apologised for a remark about the casting of a Sikh soldier in a film.
Financier and “philanthropist” George Soros is giving $1 billion to “universities to stop the drift towards authoritarianism.”
Mission Impossible star Simon Pegg has signed an open letter demanding that multi-millionaires like himself should pay more tax.
Jones’s acting speciality was dressing up in drag and impersonating an endless series of unconvincing women with ridiculous squawky voices…
“We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse,” declared President Trump on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Tony Hall, the head of the BBC, is stepping down from his job: the latest satisfying victim of ‘Get woke, go broke.’
Under the malign influence of Hollywood princess Meghan, Harry got woke and now he’s broke. Why did he not see all this coming?
The BBC has completely lost the plot on climate change with its star enviro loon Sir David Attenborough leading the charge over the cliff edge like the wrinkliest, long-tusked male in a herd of suicidal walruses.
Meet your new favourite actor Laurence Fox, currently trending on Twitter because of his shocking appearance on BBC’s Question Time last night.
This is a correction of bad policy: Air Passenger Duty, a typically weaselish tax introduced by weaselish fake conservative John Major.
A British university is paying students to spy on their classmates and report them for any language they deem to be a teeny bit offensive.
Only “furious moronic c**ts” liked Ricky Gervais’s Golden Globes set, declares the worst article ever written by a comic in the history of comedy or journalism.
Greta Thunberg doesn’t write her own Facebook posts. They are largely written for her by grown-up environmental activists including her father Svante Thunberg and an Indian delegate to the UN Climate Secretariat called Adarsh Pratap.
He provided the most satisfying definition of conservative values I’ve ever heard: ‘people who love something actual and want to retain it.’
Australia’s ‘climate’ fires are fast becoming the biggest fake news scare story of 2020. All the world’s stupidest, most annoying, hand-wringing, virtue-signalling leftists, luvvies, eco-loons, shyster politicians, second-rate activist scientists and other bottom feeders are jumping on the bandwagon.
Prince Harry and Meghan are quitting the UK because of ‘racism’. Or so claims a particularly ludicrous opinion piece in the New York Times.
From the Beatles to Spinal Tap it’s an all-too familiar scenario: pushy new girlfriend arrives on the scene with ludicrous, fancy ideas…
Visitors of Glacier National Park have noticed that far from disappearing by 2020, some glaciers have actually increased in size, and 29 of the glaciers in the Montana park remain stubbornly unmelted, despite “climate change.”
Russell Crowe couldn’t attend the Golden Globes on Sunday because it was claimed he was too busy at home “protecting his family from the devastating bush fires.” But this may have been dramatic licence because there are currently no fires near Crowe’s home.
Australian police investigating the bushfires have arrested more than 180 alleged arsonists since the start of 2019. But apparently they forgot to send the memo to Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett, both of whom insisted in their Golden Globes acceptance speeches that the Australian bushfires were in fact caused by ‘climate change.’
If there’s one lesson we on the freedom side of the argument can learn from Ricky Gervais’s superb, heroic, life-affirming performance roasting the Wankerati at the Golden Globes, it’s never, ever, ever apologise; always double down.
Britain’s prospects under Boris Johnson are obviously much, much better than they would have been under Jeremy Corbyn. But there’s one area especially, I fear, where this Conservative administration is going to come seriously unstuck.
If you don’t like the sound of that ‘we’, fine, I’ll take ’em on my own. But I suspect that you feel as angry about this thing as I do.
Australia is on fire, at least 17 people have been killed, hundreds of homes have been destroyed, and an estimated half-billion animals — both livestock and wildlife — have been burned alive. The area burned in the bush fires so far is considerably bigger than the area burned either in last year’s Amazon rainforest fires or the fires in California.
Taxes, the BBC, Commies — not to mention Greta Thunburg and Remoaners — what would you most like to see the back of in 2020?
The bureaucrat in charge of England’s Lake District National Park wants to spend £8 million tarmacking over parts of the world-renowned beauty spot in order to make it more relevant to disabled people and ethnic minorities.
From Brexit to Trump, the arrogant, corrupt political establishments of the old order fought desperately to preserve themselves…
“Prominent barrister beats fox to death wearing a kimono.” This, believe it or not, is the biggest news story in Britain today. It was prompted by a barrister’s arguably ill-advised announcement on Twitter that, while dressed in a kimono, he had beaten to death with a baseball bat a fox that was trying to eat the chickens in his London garden.
This Christmas, spare a thought for those less fortunate than you.I’m thinking, especially, of all those lefty losing losers.
In the days before Doctor Who got woke and went broke, there was a famous storyline in which the Doctor faced gigantic maggots spewing deadly radioactive green slime. Just like George Monbiot, the maggots lived in Wales.
Today, according to Twitter, is #OwenJonesIsAWankerDay.
Let’s celebrate two of the unsung heroes of Brexit before they disappear down the plughole of history: Gina Miller and Jolyon Maugham QC!
Three months ago, he was the most powerful man in Britain. Today, he is reduced to bellowing ORRRRDERR’ on Italian chat shows.
The map showing how the General Election result would have turned out if only 18- to 24-year-olds voted is terrifying.
So Britain doesn’t, after all, want to be run by an antisemitic, terrorist-supporting Marxist and his gang of nasty, aggressive, intolerant, historically illiterate Social Justice Warriors who think the only problem with Communism is that it hasn’t been tried properly yet…
David Bellamy is dead — and if his name doesn’t mean much to you that is largely the fault of the disgusting BBC.
You’ve got to hand it to what’s left of Time magazine: it hasn’t lost its unerring ability to put its finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist, invariably managing to name a Person of the Year who sums up perfectly the madness of the age.
In less than 36 hours Britain will be in the hands of a japesome patriot blond or an unreconstructed antisemitic, terror-supporting Marxist.
Labour orchestrated a dodgy stunt in which the Health Secretary was mobbed by activists who’d been taxied in to form a flash protest group.