Greg Garrison

Articles by Greg Garrison

Garrison: Media’s Smearing of Paris Dennard Reveals Their Totalitarianism

Paris Dennard has been a contributor at CNN and a number of print publications and has enjoyed great success, even as a conservative voice in enemy territory for that whole time. Like all who would dare buck the socialist elites who run those fake news cesspools, he is always under attack, and the deck is almost always stacked badly against him. But to make matters worse, he is black.

Elder Dennard

When Winning Is the Only Thing

It was Vince Lombardi who famously intoned that “winning is not everything, it’s the only thing.” And he was just talking about football! Of course, more and more all the time we learn of the excesses that have accompanied that kind of zealotry in the world of sports, and even the great Lombardi is known to have been pretty cagey with the rules on occasion in pursuit of “the only thing,” but it’s not football that’s on my mind today, it’s war.


On the Mike Pence/State News Agency

When I saw the top of the home page headline concerning the newly proposed State news agency being proposed by the Pence administration (it was the top story at Tuesday, it was completely impossible for me to comprehend what I was seeing.

Associated Press

What the Ryan Pick Says About Mitt

The hysterical reaction to Mitt Romney’s naming of Paul Ryan has been nothing short of comedic for those of us who bother with such trifles; every one of the usual suspects from the loons at MSNBC to the more mainstream

What the Ryan Pick Says About Mitt

Lugar: 36 Years of Public Service

He was 16 when I was born, Mayor of Indianapolis (my home town) when I was a student at IU, and off to the US Senate when I was a ripe old 28; been there ever since.  And a few

Lugar: 36 Years of Public Service