Gov. Mike Huckabee

Articles by Gov. Mike Huckabee

Exclusive – Mike Huckabee On The Brexit Vote: Why It Matters To Americans

Liverpool, U.K. – I’m in Liverpool this week, and when I went to bed last night just before midnight U.K. time (having earlier heard Osmond brother Merrill in a terrific concert at the famous Cavern Club), it appeared that Brits would be staying IN the European Union, as pollsters were universally predicting a 52-48 victory for those advocating staying.

Republican presidential candidate, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee speaks at Inspired G

Washington is Wrong on Medicare Cuts, Let’s Find Cures

Medicare does not belong to Washington, it belongs to seniors. Medicare is not a piggy bank for politicians, it’s a promise. Slapping seniors in the face and telling them to “get over it” is no way to earn people’s trust. I have a better idea, instead of calling for cuts, let’s focus on cures.

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Huckabee: Our Political Class Failed on China, Time To Get Tough

The hallmark of the Obama-Hillary “pivot” to Asia was the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Obama sold the secret trade deal as a way to stand up to China. Now, the President admits that talks are underway for China to join ObamaTrade.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee speaks during the prime time Republican presidentia

Mike Huckabee: How to Fuel American Prosperity 

I’m running for president because Washington is lost at sea. The “gods of green energy” have had their glory days, and it’s time we restore America’s security and prosperity and refuel America’s future with common sense.
