Godfrey Bloom

Articles by Godfrey Bloom

Why I Want To Put My Foot Through The TV Screen

Whenever my wife sees a period drama on the telly she gets agitated if mistakes are made with matters equestrian. She is an expert on such matters . My father, an ex RAF pilot would get equally so if radio

Britain's United Kingdom Independence Pa

How The Government Steals Your Money Every Day

I venture some observations on the concept of money, some if not all of which readers of this website will be familiar but worth setting down for those not keen on sitting by the pool this summer with Schlicter’s Paper


The NHS: A Sacred Cow in Need of Slaughtering

As a frequent visitor to Hindustan, the cows in the market place wandering, grazing on cut flowers and fruit on the market stalls are an amusing and rather endearing sight. No great damage is done to the sub continent’s economy