Geert Wilders for Breitbart: No Country Can Survive Without Deeply Rooted Tradition and Patriotism
“God, Homeland, Family.” Thatcher would undoubtedly have agreed, so would Reagan, and Trump. We are walking in the footsteps of giants.

“God, Homeland, Family.” Thatcher would undoubtedly have agreed, so would Reagan, and Trump. We are walking in the footsteps of giants.
The only “risk to the electoral processes” that I see in Europe, is the EU “interfering” in elections because Brussels does not like the outcome and claims it has to protect “democracy” against the voters.
2024 was a truly remarkable year. It will go down in history as the year in which Donald J. Trump won a sweeping Grand Slam: the presidency, the popular vote, the Senate and the House. And now we can all think big again!
The left hates Israel because it asserts its borders, not dissolve them, as European nations have strove to do. But sometimes war is inevitable, because war can be just.
Today is a historic day. This case is for the defence of every citizen of the free West, and more countries should follow with legal action.
Later this year, the Dutch Parliament will be the scene of a unique and historic event. In the secured offices of my party, the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the building of the Lower House in The Hague, we will be hosting an International Muhammad Cartoon Contest.
The media gag order has been lifted, but the incarceration of Tommy Robinson remains a stain on the reputation of the United Kingdom. We will not rest until Robinson is free!
Self-loathing politicians and academics in the West should could learn much from the patriotic governments of Central Europe and the proud, self-confident societies they have fostered, writes Geert Wilders.
The bell is tolling for Europe. All the warning signs are turned on red. A demographic catastrophe is in the making. If Europe fails to make a stand, its Judeo-Christian civilization is about to be blown away.
All politicians competing in elections claim to be standing for office with the goal of serving the people. But serving the people begins with telling them the truth. The truth about Islam is not a pleasant one.
For Western Europe’s ruling elites, protecting the rights of so-called asylum seekers has become more important than protecting their own citizens. Recently, Germany provided a staggering example of this. An immigrant from Uganda raped a woman, but the German authorities
Of the 28 parties participating in the Dutch general elections, 13 were able to gain seats in Parliament. My party, the Party for Freedom (PVV), did extremely well.
Yesterday, the Islamic State claimed the Berlin terror attack of Monday evening, in which twelve people were killed with a truck at a Christmas market. The killer managed to escape. However, in the truck the police found identity papers belonging
Congratulations America! Yesterday, in the biggest democracy on earth, we witnessed a political revolution. The American people sent a powerful message to the world: Enough is enough, we want to be free again, we want to be great again! Against
In 2005 my people, the Dutch, rejected the European Constitution in a referendum. But the European Union made some cosmetic changes to the text and, by 2009, forced it down our throat anyway as the “Treaty of Lisbon”.
Yesterday, I visited Maassluis. It is town near Rotterdam, where the indigenous Dutch inhabitants have become the victims of immigrant youths of Moroccan descent. Cars have been demolished, houses vandalized, people threatened. The Dutch no longer feel free and safe
Islam is growing rapidly in Western Europe. According to the Pew Research Center, France has a Muslim population of 7.5%, the Netherlands of 6%, Germany of 5.8%, Austria of 5.4%, the United Kingdom of 4.8%, Sweden of 4.6%. The real
The more Islamic apostates there are, the less misogyny, the less hatred of gays, the less anti-Semitism and the more freedom there will be
Ronald Reagan used to say that “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Last November, Pew Research revealed that only 19% of Americans still trust the government. And
The greatest threat to the West is Islam. Look at every country where Islam is dominant and you will see a total lack of freedom and democracy. Islam and freedom are absolutely incompatible. And yet, we are importing it into
On Wednesday, a referendum will be held in the Netherlands about the Association Treaty between the European Union (EU) and Ukraine. The Dutch are the only European people allowed to have a direct say about this treaty. The Party for
In April last year, the renowned nonpartisan Pew Research Center released a report on the future growth of world religions. The content was shocking. The report states that, if current trends continue, Islam will almost equal Christianity by 2050. While the world’s population is expected to rise by 35% until the middle of this century, Islam will grow with a staggering 73%.
“A revolution,” Wikipedia says, “is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that take place in a relatively short period of time when the population rises up in revolt against the current authorities.”
Deja-vu. It is not an English word, but French. However, the word immediately springs to mind when hearing about yet another Western politician or Islam critic, whom some British politicians want to ban from entering their country. Welcome, Donald Trump, in the company of Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and myself.