Ezra Dulis

Ezra Dulis - Page 9

Ezra Dulis is Senior Editor for Breitbart News and he cannot grow facial hair.

Articles by Ezra Dulis

Why Video Games Prove Obamacare Is a Farce

In response to Video game sin tax? Where’s the sin?: Every legislator who treats gamers as rageaholic psychopaths just waiting to explode has literally no idea what video games are like today. If anything, games make young men fat and docile,

Why Video Games Prove Obamacare Is a Farce

John Kerry Wishes Ben Affleck, 'Argo' Good Luck at Oscars

Secretary of State John Kerry took to the official State Department Twitter account Saturday to wish Ben Affleck and his film Argo good luck at Sunday’s Academy Awards. Good luck @benaffleck and #Argo at the Oscars. Nice seeing @statedept &

John Kerry Wishes Ben Affleck, 'Argo' Good Luck at Oscars

Damaged Goods: Hagel's Brand Suffers from Confirmation Battle

Chuck Hagel, stuck in an arduous confirmation battle to become Secretary of Defense, has notably pivoted away from his more controversial foreign policy positions–a move that appears to have validated Senate Republicans’ fierce opposition to a reelected Barack Obama. So

Damaged Goods: Hagel's Brand Suffers from Confirmation Battle

And Now, a Hipster Music Interlude

As my colleague John Nolte reminded us today, I am incorrigibly and forever steeped in the hipster world. It’s a simple relationship: I love the music, mostly dislike the movies, and hate the attitude. I don’t presume that my age

WaPo on Sequestration: THINK OF THE SEALS

The Washington Post would like you to know that poor defenseless aminals are very, very sad that Congress will soon cut $85 billion in federal spending. That figure may be less than one percent of the $16 trillion still-growing national

WaPo on Sequestration: THINK OF THE SEALS

Obama: Preschool for Everyone!

This is how the left manufactures an education crisis: “Study after study shows that the sooner a child begins learning, the better he or she does down the road. But today, fewer than 3 in 10 four year-olds are enrolled

I've Finally Started Watching 'Girls'…

About a year ago I work/watched Lena Dunham’s debut film “Tiny Furniture” when someone else streamed it from my TV. Wasn’t too impressed, so I was pretty ambivalent about her HBO series “Girls.” Then came her Obama campaign ad, which

The Greatest Car Dealership Website Ever. EVER.

There… there are no words. (UPDATE: Click with caution if you are prone to epilepsy.) As seen on TV–it’s got gifs! It’s got music! Cats wearing military helmets! A no-horse-meat guarantee! A .com domain for a UK business! A mosaic

Publicist: Yes, Lena Dunham Voted in 2012

Wednesday evening, a blog report circulated claiming Lena Dunham, creator and star of HBO’s Girls, did not vote in the 2012 election, based on a survey of New York City voting records. However, Ms. Dunham’s publicist contested the claim. The

Publicist: Yes, Lena Dunham Voted in 2012

Mobile App Promises Total Privacy from Government Snooping

Slate has a fascinating tech article I’ve been meaning to write about for a couple days now about Silent Circle, a mobile developer which claims its latest app can send calls, texts, and files in such a way that they

BuzzFeed Plays Nice with Rubio, Attacks Once Back Turns

You know the story: frog carries scorpion across river. Frog tells scorpion, “Don’t sting me or we both drown.” Scorpion stings frog. Frog asks scorpion why. Scorpion says, “It’s my nature.” Senator Marco Rubio sits down with Ben Smith of

BuzzFeed Plays Nice with Rubio, Attacks Once Back Turns

With Apologies to Your Mind's Eye

In response to A Heavy Subject Matter: I think the left’s response to the charge of hypocrisy over smoker shaming would be that second-hand smoke harms the health of other people besides the smoker. I know there’s some conservative pushback

One Bad Stigma Deserves Another?

In response to Obesity Is Hilarious: I’m not sure what we’re getting at here. Because the stigma against smoking is hypocritical, we should push a stigma against overeating? Maybe I’m reading that wrong. I think Christie’s gag was funny, just

How Not to Win Over Hipsters

In response to Get Hip: I remember an article some magazine did about Republican hipsters (can’t find it on Google) about half a year back; as conservatives passed it around, the majority of the response was mockery–“weirdos” this, “betas” that.

The Democratization of Music Videos

We can all stop making jokes about MTV not playing music videos anymore. As my colleagues John Nolte and Christian Toto have been pointing out for a long time now, Internet streaming is eroding the corrupt business model of cable

Now We Know Why Obama's So Bullish on Birth Control

This story didn’t get a lot of play yesterday, but it can’t be repeated enough. Job growth per month over the past four years averaged a whopping 25,000–100k shy of conservative estimates of how many jobs we need to create

For All the Skeet Truthers…

Earlier today, as I hadn’t seen the tweets from Obama’s camp saying he was shooting on August 4th of last year, I checked the pic’s Exif data on Flickr–a great feature they include for photo wonks to see the aperture,

'Django Unchained': The Most Pro-Freedom Film of 2012

Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” is not only a great film but the greatest display of liberalism in movie theaters this past year. To those whose blood is boiling or eyes are rolling, I don’t use that word to refer to

'Django Unchained': The Most Pro-Freedom Film of 2012

BuzzFeed Reporter Mocks Initial Skepticism of Hillary's Concussion

Andrew Kaczynski of BuzzFeed reacted as any normal, non-partisan journalist would when news broke of Hillary Clinton’s hospitalization; in keeping with tradition at BuzzFeed Politics, he scoured the archives of the Internet to score political points against conservative media.  Kaczynski

BuzzFeed Reporter Mocks Initial Skepticism of Hillary's Concussion

Bloomberg: Don't Fear Subways over One Tragedy

New York City Michael Bloomberg warned city residents not to feel unsafe after a suspected murder at a subway station, claiming one sensational event does not negate the downward trend of homicide in the region. “It’s a very tragic case,

Bloomberg: Don't Fear Subways over One Tragedy

No Virtue in Media's Quest for External Scapegoat in Sandy Hook

In the Sufjan Stevens song “John Wayne Gacy, Jr,” the singer punctuates a retelling of the infamous killer’s deeds with the line: “On my best behavior, I am really just like him.” As a Christian, Stevens’ lyric is a poignant

No Virtue in Media's Quest for External Scapegoat in Sandy Hook

State Dept Uninvites Andrew W.K. from Middle East Trip

A State Department spokesperson has announced that singer-songwriter, entrepeneur, and all-around embodiment of sprezzatura Andrew W.K. will not represent the United States as a cultural ambassador to Bahrain. Spokesperson Noel Clay said the planned trip was “a mistake and not

State Dept Uninvites Andrew W.K. from Middle East Trip

Party Hard: State Dept to Send Rocker Andrew W.K. to Bahrain

Andrew Fetterly Wilkes-Krier is one accomplished dude: international rock icon, music producer, club owner, motivational speaker, and television host — and soon, he’ll be known as a world statesman. Known by his fans as Andrew W.K., Wilkes-Krier is known for

Party Hard: State Dept to Send Rocker Andrew W.K. to Bahrain

Hollywood Goes Deeper Purple in 2012 Election

The entertainment world displayed a deeper hue of purple during the 2012 campaign between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney than it did during 2008’s presidential contest. Though the concept of “celebrity” is looser than ever — Obama’s “endorsement” from reality

Hollywood Goes Deeper Purple in 2012 Election

Bachmann Keeps House Seat

Multiple sources have cited the Associated Press calling the race for Minnesota’s 6th congressional district in favor of incumbent Republican Michele Bachmann. The vote tally for Bachmann and Democratic challenger Jim Graves remained too close to call through Tuesday night.

Bachmann Keeps House Seat

CNN Suddenly Interested in Ron Paul

CNN has, out of the blue, called up Ron Paul (R-TX) on Election Day to talk about how there’s no difference between Obama and Romney, playing oodles of campaign B-roll of Rep. Paul and his supporters on the campaign trail.

One Step Up in PA? Springsteen Stumps for Obama in Pittsburgh

Rocker Bruce Springsteen will stump for President Obama in western Pennsylvania Friday afternoon, less than one week after Republican VP candidate Paul Ryan campaigned in the region. Springsteen is scheduled for a concert Friday evening at Consol Energy Park in

One Step Up in PA? Springsteen Stumps for Obama in Pittsburgh

Democrat Voter Registration Slips More than GOP in Pennsylvania

The overall number of Pennsylvania voters has decreased by three percent since 2008, according to state data, and the slump is hitting registered Democrats harder than Republicans. Democrat voter registration is down 5.1%, with 229,396 fewer voters, and Republicans are

Democrat Voter Registration Slips More than GOP in Pennsylvania

Obama Whiffs Last Chance to Present Second-Term Agenda

Barack Obama gained one last chance to present his second-term domestic agenda directly to a mass audience in Monday night’s debate, and he blew it. Even though the debate and all of moderator Bob Schieffer’s questions revolved around foreign affairs,

Obama Whiffs Last Chance to Present Second-Term Agenda

Poll: Romney's Ohio Favorables Up 30 Since February

Public Policy Polling announced Saturday afternoon that presidential candidate Mitt Romney has seen a 30-point upward swing in his favorability ratings in the state of Ohio since February. The numbers were juxtaposed in a succinct Twitter update: In Februrary Mitt

Poll: Romney's Ohio Favorables Up 30 Since February

What Has America Gained from Obama's Taliban Concessions?

In the previous presidential debates that have touched on foreign policy, Barack Obama and Joe Biden have touted their administration’s approach to the war in Afghanistan as a success, with little protest from Republican challengers Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. 

What Has America Gained from Obama's Taliban Concessions?