Matt Drudge and his news portal The Drudge Report mocked Sen. Marco Rubio’s poor showing on Super Saturday, as the establishment-backed Republican candidate placed only third or fourth in one primary and three caucuses.
John Nolte, Senior Editor-at-Large of Breitbart News, put out a meme on Twitter Thursday that exploded into widespread mockery of former governor Mitt Romney: #MittRomneySexTape.
Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report teased the political and media establishment with a graphic seemingly vindicating his online polls after Donald Trump’s strong victory in the South Carolina presidential primary.
Donald Trump addressed critics of his Thursday remarks on Obamacare’s health insurance mandate, saying he remains committed to repealing that part of the Affordable Care Act–and the rest of the law.
Breitbart Tech’s Milo Yiannopoulos blasted social media giants Twitter and Facebook for “Orwellian” censorship of their users–the latter in concert with governments, like in Germany–on SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Saturday hosted by Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
The Huffington Post has declared Megyn Kelly the victor of Thursday night’s presidential debate with a front-page spread cheering her combative handling of the Republican candidates gathered in Des Moines, Iowa.
Donald Trump, the frontrunner candidate in the Republican presidential primary, is skipping tonight’s debate hosted by Fox News and putting on a fundraiser for America’s military veterans as counter-programming. Follow Breitbart News for live updates on the event.
BuzzFeed Politics’ Ruby Cramer paints a portrait of a Hillary Clinton who is warm, relatable, idealistic, and misunderstood. Page-width photos, black and white with emoji-punctuated captions, present her as thoughtful, concerned with “openness” and “personal connection.” The end game for her presidential campaign, Cramer writes, is encouraging Americans to strive for “love and kindess”–a phrase that appears 13 times in the piece–placing Clinton’s intentions in stark contrast to “an election dominated by the language of anger and fear.”
Glenn Beck said Tuesday night in a Facebook video to his fans that Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump reminded him of Howard Dean’s widely-mocked 2004 campaign moment that came to be known as the “Dean Scream.”
Matt Drudge, the pioneering editor of the Drudge Report, warned Tuesday that the American public is “sick” and easily exploited by homogeneous corporate media–which could allow Hillary Clinton to win the White House, no matter her age or health.
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump responded in top Donald Trump form to Scott Walker’s primary concession speech–which called on conservative candidates to coalesce against the race’s current frontrunner.
Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report sent a message Sunday morning excoriating Pope Francis during his trip to Cuba, depicting the head of the Catholic Church alongside Raul Castro and suggesting Francis would rather ignore the plight of political dissidents than endanger his warm welcome from the Castro regime.
On September 18 an Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) SWAT team arrested 21-year-old Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. over alleged connections to the Phoenix freeway shootings that have haunted commutes since August 29.
Sparks flew between Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow and Republican consultant Rick Wilson on CNN Friday evening during a discussion of Republican presidential contenders Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, with Wilson comparing Breitbart’s coverage of Trump to the Soviet propaganda outlet Pravda.
There’s clearly something more to Donald Trump’s ascendancy in Republican primary polls than his novelty. His campaign theme, all the way back to 2011, has been healing America’s wounded pride.
A universally denounced article published Thursday at has seemingly split the company in two, with editorial staff sharply criticizing and mocking CEO Nick Denton’s decision to delete the post.
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump drew protesters and counter-protesters outside a Los Angeles hotel as he addressed a group of Hollywood conservatives Friday evening.
AP’s Director of Media Relations confirms that the news organization has decided to prevent future licensing of the photos showing guns pointed at Ted Cruz.
In 2015, Trump: The Game very much still exists– in thrift shops and eBay listings nationwide. Your authors were fortunate enough to snatch up some copies and play, and discover the buried lead about Trump: The Game that everyone reviewing it has missed: it is incredibly fun.
In a chat with Breitbart’s Big Hollywood, David Bazan discusses the “Bazan Monthly” project at length and reveals that it has spurred him to record his first full-length album since Strange Negotiations, scheduled for next February.
This week’s Girls is more evidence for my conspiracy theory that it’s actually written by The Manosphere–that group of bloggers united against feminism and preaching the saving power of masculinity. Not once but twice in “Female Author” do we see male characters calling out the women leads for being foolish or fake, and instead of defying their patriarchal judgment, the girls respond in submission and reward the men for showing some backbone.
Breitbart News is providing live coverage of President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address, with live updates during the President’s speech summarizing his remarks and capturing reactions from the Breitbart News team on Twitter. 11:00 PM EST: Live updates
The centerpiece of “Triggering” has a room full of Hannah Horvath’s peers reciting various real-world critiques of Lena Dunham, sounding pretentious and shallow as they put her writing through the wringer. And yet, to her credit, Dunham balances it with even more self-effacing–depicting herself as thin-skinned, deceptive, selfish, and out of her depth.
HBO’s Girls continues to walk a dichotomous tightrope: its sympathy for bubble-dwelling white Millennial princesses and its simultaneous recognition of the people who find their entitlement repulsive.
These are, in no particular order, songs that have stuck with me through the year, that still deliver strong feelings after listening to them hundreds of times—songs that have proven some level of longevity already.
According to People, the two chart toppers performed the “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture popularized in protests over the death of Ferguson teenager Michael Brown as they celebrated Jay Z’s 45th birthday in Iceland.
New York police held a press conference Sunday afternoon shedding further light on the murders of officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Saturday, revealing a troubled young man had driven from Maryland that morning and boasted to two men that
Most “Song of the Summer” lists give you fluffy, relaxing, free-spirited pop hits, but the discerning music fan understands that all the best songs are sad ones, and any season is perfect for the right downer. So here are a
Fellas, just face it: if you’re reading this, you’re going to be alone on Valentine’s Day. Don’t feel down; it’s good practice for when you die alone. What’s that? You’d rather not be alone? You’ve let society turn you into
An older fellow named Alan Keck attended Wednesday’s March for Life in Atlanta, equipped with a Confederate flag, a pro-secession sign, and some impressive facial hair. Judging by the Associated Press’s images from that event, this guy was a bigger
Stop everything: Judith Sheindlin aka Judge Judy aka the world’s foremost authority on all things has weighed in on the national crime trend of the “knockout game” on her website “What Would Judy Say?” In her typical no-nonsense style, JJ
Extreme winter weather like the storms across the United States’ midwest and northeastern regions bring danger, inconvenience, and a huge mess for adults who have to commute to work. However, for kids, it means no school–and plenty of time to
As I think about Christmas, I often go back to the Dad Pun “Christ’s mass.” It’s an important–if terribly hokey–reminder of the day’s significance. It answers a vital question: how did Christianity start? It didn’t emerge as an institution with
Lady Gaga’s new album ARTPOP has become a commercial flop for the history books: opening-week sales were down 75% from the debut of 2011’s Born This Way, and sales dropped 81% in the second week. How did this happen? With
Twenty-seven Republican senators voted for Wednesday’s bill passed by the upper chamber to fund the U.S. government in a continuing resolution and extend the nation’s debt limit. Eighteen voted against the measure, and one was not present. Yea votes Lamar
OBVIOUSLY SPOILERS AND NOTHING BUT After five seasons and six years of tweaking expectations, Breaking Bad‘s series finale contained only one surprise: somewhere between New Hampshire and New Mexico, Walter White was murdered and replaced by a pod person. At