Battlefield London: Shariah Law
[youtube dN6CHtGGo4g nolink]
[youtube dN6CHtGGo4g nolink]
[youtube 6lWxiRrh68Q nolink]
[youtube 2D5T8SDOTBM nolink]
So get this: the US Air Force has scrapped a nuclear ethics course manual because it….references the Bible. The course is for new recruits who will be manning the U.S. nuclear arsenal and might face ethical or moral questions about
[youtube 0YjbjAepC2A nolink]
Despite the incredibly violent crackdown, the protesters continue. [youtube JTZ0pp8949Q nolink]
Foreign Policy has an important piece about the attempts to dissect what Anders Behring Breivik, Norway’s mass murderer, really thinks. It’s written by Phillip Longman, a fellow at the New America Foundation, who finds himself quoted by Breivik in his
[youtube iJS7NkNslKY nolink]
From the Associated Press: KABUL, Afghanistan — The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has until mid-October to submit a plan for the initial withdrawal of American troops, decisions that may hinge in part on whether the latest surge in attacks
Mark Steyn was quoted 4 times by the Norway mass murderer in his “manifesto.” (Lefty Naomi Klein was mentioned five times, but who’s counting!) Zuhair Kashmeri, however, thinks Steyn is to blame. Talk about a cheap shot… [youtube clyElpCDfAg nolink]
[youtube DuUqbHAVBn4]
[youtube 0aK5mn7HgrQ nolink]
[youtube ofdRyMfsCzo nolink]
You will get to know me… You probably have never heard of him. General Qassem Suleimani, head of the elite al-Quds. General Petraeus has spoken openly about his central role in events within Iraq. The Guardian (UK) has an important
“Norway’s mass killer faces a maximum jail term of just 21 years. Astonishingly, that is the longest sentence available to judges in Norway’s benevolent justice system.” Most murderers in Norway spend just 14 years behind bars. The terrorist is 32
Is he right or is he making excuses? [youtube v2VaS54zJVE nolink]
[youtube mYiBKW186tg nolink]
They are real and accurate, and reflect the Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. Really. You ought to read them, this “scholar” assures us. [youtube ZXKBGIPhlh4 nolink]
He also has a lot to say about the American flag, our superpower status, and Islam. Be sure to watch the entire video. [youtube mo5c4-O1YMM nolink]
[youtube PXdhHLsdfbI nolink]
[youtube g9JUH8FpLfU nolink]
Warning: Viewer discretion is advised. [youtube z1MN5scuv6U nolink]
Ynet news reports: While Israel and the Palestinian Authority participate in a diplomatic battle as September looms ever nearer, 18 Palestinian children from the Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Bethlehem arrived in Israel on Monday to take part in the “living
[youtube NbFEtHTnjDo nolink] From Ynetews: Navy commandos escorted the Gaza-bound flotilla ship Dignite al Karama into the Ashdod Port Tuesday where police forces were deployed in the case of possible riots. Navy senior official Brigadier-General Rani Ben Yehuda said that
From the UK’s Daily Mail: Quiet! We can’t wake the locals Soldiers were ordered not to open fire on Taliban fighters planting mines in case they disturb local people, it has been claimed. U.S. military chiefs ordered troops to exercise
This will help preserve Muslim families. Really. It will. I promise. [youtube BoBcFWUTze0 nolink]
From Ynet news: Not the produce placement some firms are looking for A Japanese heavy machinery manufacturer said it has cut business ties with the Iranian government following a report that its cranes have been used for public executions. The
[youtube IulcIJ_3YA0 nolink]
Are Pakistan and the United States about to get a divorce? The United States is threatening to cut aid, holding back some $800 million, nearly a third of the $2 billion that we give the country every year. Now Pakistan
A unity government? [youtube T2f61zRVvvo nolink]
The assumption by some in the west is that socialism and communism are at war with Islam. After all, the former tend to be atheists and the latter are focused on the will of Allah. But according to Asghar Ali
[youtube 7u02-deRMJo nolink]
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[youtube wQ8AINQNMp8 nolink]
[youtube bREZqdScYas nolink]
[youtube iHjMFlvwqdw nolink]
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This man shows real courage. [youtube QyWhwQEMOVU nolink]
[youtube ntTUkYt7Xfw nolink]
[youtube ym4aCxwh9o8 nolink]