Flash-Bangs and Tear Gas to Break Up Portland Riot
According to the Portland police, the escalating measures to disperse the crowd come in response to “burning projectiles” being hurled at police.

According to the Portland police, the escalating measures to disperse the crowd come in response to “burning projectiles” being hurled at police.
Harry Reid claims that white nationalists, Vladimir Putin, and ISIS are celebrating Trump’s win while many Americans are afraid.
The Associated Press has declared Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto the winner of the Nevada Senate race. Cortez Masto beat Congressman Joe Heck to claim the Senate seat vacated by retiring Senate Minority leader Harry Reid.
Senator John McCain is projected by the Associated Press and Politico to retain the Senate seat he’s held for nearly three decades. McCain faced Democratic Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick in a matchup that was expected to be close.
CNN’s Jake Tapper and Brian Stelter made sure to fact check a Twitter typo from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump before the polls closed on Tuesday. Trump quoted CNN in a tweet about “voting machine problems” in Utah. The tweet
Donald Trump’s campaign has filed a lawsuit in Nevada demanding Clark County Registar of Voters Joe Gloria to “impound and segregate ballots and voting materials involved in unlawfully extended voting hours.”
In the final hours before voters across the nation will select the next President, many veterans who attained the rank of General are trying to get the word out that Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is a criminal who is unfit to serve as commander in chief.
Ray Reynolds says he’s traveled about “30,000 miles” to attend nearly fifty Trump events on his own dime, as a volunteer. Reynolds who owns a construction company and a photography business — Rayzor’s Edge Photography — admits that both his businesses have suffered as a result of his dedication to the Trump campaign.
For Trump to win Nevada, he’d need a big turnout from his supporters on Tuesday and he’d need Clinton to underperform with voting Democrats.
President Obama will make his second appearance in the Tar Heel state in three days to stump for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday. Coinciding with Obama’s campaign visits, voters across the state are receiving notice that their insurance premiums under Obamacare will spike by nearly twenty-five percent next year.
About 17,500 people turned out to see Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speak at “The Farm” Thursday evening. Trump was introduced by General Mike Flynn and was joined on stage by about two dozen generalS, admirals, and medal of honor recipients for a speech focused on rebuilding the military.
Ivanka Trump made three campaign stops in North Carolina on Wednesday as both the Trump and Hillary campaigns focus in on the Tar Heel state in the final days before the election.
The iconic Lovegrove Gallery and Gardens is showing the artist’s enthusiastic support for Trump.
With larger battleground states like Florida and Ohio trending against her, Hillary’s campaign is zeroing in on this traditionally red state to block Trump from reaching 270 electoral votes and the White House.
Donald Trump Jr. campaigned for father Republican nominee Donald J. Trump at the Florida vs. Georgia game in Jacksonville, Florida Saturday. As he walked through the crowd of hundreds of energetic supporters, Trump Jr. was bombarded by screams of support and requests for selfies.
Triggered journalists from across the nation are bemoaning the treatment members of the press are receiving at Trump campaign rallies from the Trump supporters the media routinely misrepresents as ignorant racists, fascist Nazis, or disenchanted working whites.
TAMPA, Florida – More than twenty thousand people filled the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater Monday night to rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The rally was Trump’s second of the day as part of a five-city, three-day swing through the Sunshine State. Trump was introduced by former Florida State University head football coach Bobby Bowden.
The Republican nominee for President arrived in the Trump-branded helicopter and spoke about his specific policies ranging from immigration to trade to foreign policy and national security.
People near the press seating taunted and jeered at members of the media after they noticed some members refusing to stand and honor the anthem and pledge. Many invoked the sacrifice of our military and wondered if the media members were taking the lead of San Francisco 49er backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
Rachel Casey, the 29-year-old woman and Donald Trump supporter who was violently attacked by progressive protesters and had eggs thrown into her hair in San Jose, California, earlier this year, gave her first exclusive interview since the revelations in new videos that Democratic paid operatives incited such violence around the country to Breitbart News on Sunday.
MIAMI, Florida — Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump’s unorthodox campaign in Florida is still neck-and-neck with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the latest polls, despite being outmatched in spending in this critical battleground state. The race remains close in large part thanks to the “movement” he often references from the stage at his rallies nationwide.
A man was arrested trying to break into a Trump campaign office in San Antonio early Wednesday morning. Thirty-eight-year-old Rudy Medina was stopped by an off-duty police officer working as a security guard while he was trying to use a credit card to get into the Trump campaign office.
Former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is one of the Trump campaign’s guests at Wednesday’s debate in Las Vegas. Palin was one of Trump’s most visible supporters until her husband Todd Palin suffered a serious snow machine accident that landed him in intensive care.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is struggling to transfer the enthusiastic support he received in the Democrat primary to Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Hours before Hillary Clinton dined with George Soros, members of Clinton’s inner circle debated how to handle an anticipated request from the notorious billionaire. Longtime Hillary handler Huma Abedin forwarded an invitation for Hillary to attend a December 2014 fundraiser in Soros’ New York home for the Soros-backed group America Votes to Robby Mook and John Podesta.
Glenn Thrush, the chief political correspondent for Politico, told John Podesta that he was a “hack” for sending an entire section of an article pertaining to Podesta for approval before publication. To conceal his lack of journalistic integrity, Thrush asks Podesta to “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this.”
CNN commentator and Democratic political consultant Paul Begala changed the wording of a January 2008 poll to measure the public’s response to cocaine use admitted by Sen. Barrack Obama, who was then trying to win the Democrats’ 2008 nomination.
Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, defended House Speaker Paul Ryan after the establishment leader attempted—but failed—to sabotage the GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump again this past weekend.
Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post’s White House bureau chief, emailed several people close to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, to give him a “heads up” that his name would appear in a pending article about lobbyists, according to Wikileaks.
The New York Times allowed the Clinton Campaign to pick and choose what parts of an interview with Hillary Rodham Clinton would be used in an article titled, “Re-Re-Re-Reintroducing Hillary Clinton,” the Wikileaks release of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails have revealed.
The New York Times provided questions to former President Bill Clinton before an interview with Nicholas Kristoff, the Wikileaks release of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta emails has revealed.
Outgoing Senate Minority leader Harry Reid is drawing headlines for a new round of attacks against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Reid has taken aim at everything from the accuracy of Real Clear Politics to how Trump recently pronounced Nevada at a recent campaign stop. Using nearly identical tactics as he did against Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential election, Reid made unsubstantiated claims about Trump’s tax returns and even invoked the Koch Brothers.
Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta added billionaire mega-donor Tom Steyer to the shortlist of candidates to head the Department of Energy in a September 2008 email exchange.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pulled to within two points in a four-way matchup for New Hampshire, according to the latest Boston Globe/Suffolk University poll released on Wednesday.
A small crowd greeted Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea at a campaign stop in Sioux City, Iowa on Tuesday. At the Orpheum theater, Chelsea defended her mother and attacked Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump to a crowd reported to include just 125 people.
In his first public appearance after the Presidential debate at Hofstra University on Monday, Donald Trump was welcomed by tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters to a Florida airplane hanger.
Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has cut Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead in the national McClatchy-Marist poll from a 15% deficit in August to just 7% in the latest McClatchy-Marist poll released Friday.
Senator Ted Cruz revealed Friday that he would “vote his conscience” by endorsing Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. For the small but vocal group remaining in the “Never Trump” crowd, the news was devastating.
Egyptian media leaders and distinguished members of the Egyptian parliament met with members of the American media and foreign policy community Tuesday to discuss how to mend the relationship between the United States and Egypt.
Members of the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations blasted Hillary Clinton just a day after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with both Clinton and Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. They also had high praise for Trump—and while not an official endorsement, it is a positive outcome for Trump’s first and only meeting with Muslim world leaders thus far.