Exclusive–CL Gray, MD. Robert Campbell, MD: President Trump’s Revolutionary Plan for Fixing American Healthcare
There are at least a trillion reasons why many in Washington don’t want to fix the American healthcare system.
There are at least a trillion reasons why many in Washington don’t want to fix the American healthcare system.
Public officials should pivot from “flattening the curve” to “flattening the fear.” The data demonstrate that younger and otherwise healthy Americans face little risk of dying from this disease. Most people should immediately get back to living their daily lives without fear, boosting our beleaguered economy.
A reshoring of pharmaceutical production is needed now to respond to the coronavirus more than ever.
My last article, Medicare is Already Rationing Care, focused on one small aspect of a much larger story, a story every American needs to know. The battle over the meaning of medicine began 2,500 years ago, not last spring. In
Rationing Medicare will not require clandestine meetings in smoke filled rooms. Simply reduce physician reimbursement to below the cost of delivering quality care, and free market forces will take care of the rest. Medicare has already begun the process of