Debra Heine

Debra Heine - Page 12

Articles by Debra Heine

Rep Dave Camp Introduces Bill To Delay New IRS 501(C)(4) Rules

Last year, the Obama administration was caught using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies. According to some analysts, the political suppression of tea party groups from 2010 through 2012, easily cost Mitt Romney the election. What the Regime was

Roe V. Wade: Helping People 'Fulfill Their Dreams' For 41 Years

In honor of the 41st anniversary of Roe v Wade, Obama proudly proclaimed, “we reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom.  And we

Jay Carney: Of Course Benghazi Was An Attack!

During Tuesday’s press briefing, Ed Henry asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about pronouncements he made in the White House briefing room, in the days following the Benghazi attack, referring to Fox News’ exclusive report on newly declassified documents

Rise of the 'Uber Presidency': Obama Promises More Executive Overrreach In 2014

A mere six weeks after the House judiciary committee held a hearing on “the President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws,” exploring political remedies to executive overreach, the president has defiantly promised that he’s “not just going to be waiting for legislation”

Re: Obama's 'Polite if Generic Salute' to Ariel Sharon

In response to When Obama and Biden Betrayed Sharon: Joel Pollak’s description of Obama’s statement on the death of Sharon – “polite (if generic)” is downright charitable compared to what a few others on the right have said about it.

Robert Gates’ Disturbing Dish on Dingy

Powerline’s Scott Johnson thinks this little vignette, shared by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his new book, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, “explains much,” but I’ll report and let you decide. Gates says that Harry Reid once

US News: Anti-Catholic, Fact-Challenged Screed Is 'Fair Commentary'

In response to US News and World Report Publishes Vicious Anti-Catholic Screed, Inflaming Readers: In a weak statement released Friday evening, US news and World Report editor Brian Kelly, finally responded to the deluge of criticism the news site received

House Passes ObamaCare Security Bill 291-122

Today, House lawmakers overwhelmingly passed a proposal designed to address potential security breaches on the Website. The measure would require the Obama administration to notify Americans within 48 hours if their identity is compromised via the Obamacare website.  It

Will Chris Christie Scandal Open a Path for Jeb Bush?

In response to Not Just a Rorschach Test, Also A Picture of Dorian Gray: Via Michael Walsh at The Corner: Re whispers that Christie dust-up is good for Jeb Bush in donors’ eyes: He’s in Uruguay with Swiss bankers right

Rachel Maddow Still Feeling Heat over Bogus Koch Brothers Report

Rachel Maddow has doubled down on her spurious “bombshell” report alleging that the nefarious Koch Brothers helped  fund a shockingly outrageous initiative in Florida (which the vast majority of Floridians happened to support), but no one outside of the MSNBC clown

New Film 'Bankrupt' Examines The Downfall Of Detroit

On January 21, conservative filmmaker Ben Howe will be premiering his latest movie, “Bankrupt” at the DC Auto Show. The subject he chose for his first full length documentary, is the cronyism that he believes brought down Detroit. In the

Another Day – Another Example Of Racial McCarthyism at MSNBC

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio blocked the nomination of Judge William Thomas to the federal bench after a careful review of his record raised red flags. A spokeswoman for Rubio explained back in September that the Senator would be withdrawing his support for

The Angry Sky Gods Shall Not Be Mocked

In response to Global warming and the polar vortex: What the warmists don’t seem to understand is that when skeptics make jokes about the cold weather and global warming – we are mocking them.  We are mocking their habit of

Obama’s Tedious Act Has Grown Even Staler In The New Year

In response to Obama lectures other people on taking vacations from his luxury Hawaiian retreat: Last month, as the president’s approval rating hovered below 40%, Peter Wehner, writing for Commentary, noted that “Obama’s tedious act has grown stale.” He argued

House GOP Demanding Regular ObamaCare Updates

It’s pretty sad when Congress has to pass bills just to make “the most transparent administration in history”  more transparent about the president’s signature legislative achievement – but that’s where we’re at.  The administration apears to be playing politics with

Hating On ObamaCare Somewhere In The Pacific

In response to Five Reasons 2.1 Million ‘Enrolled’ Is Not That Impressive: As disastrous as the ObamaCare rollout has been, and as unimpressive and frankly dubious  the numbers they’re touting are, in an alternate universe, the “biggest losers of the

Sherlock Season 3 Episode Premieres Today

Fans of the BBC’s widely acclaimed Sherlock series are in for a treat, today.  The highly anticipated first episode of season 3 will be broadcast today at  9p.m. GMT on BBC One and is available to watch online via live stream on