Debra Heine

Debra Heine - Page 11

Articles by Debra Heine

Bode Miller Defends NBC Reporter Who Made Him Cry

A minor media firestorm erupted yesterday after an NBC Olympic Alpine Skiing reporter interviewed American skier Bode Miller just after he won a bronze medal in the men’s super-G ski race. Interviewer Christin Cooper pressed Miller multiple times with variations of

'Voting Rights Gladiator' Battles KS Sec of State Kris Kobach in Court

A Justice Department lawyer who describes himself as a “Voting Rights Gladiator” on Twitter, was in a Kansas court Tuesday, trying to stop Kansas and Arizona from verifying the citizenship of people registering to vote.  Via J Christian Adams at PJ

Awkward: Reporter Asks President About His Socialist Policies (Video)

In response to Obama Is Everything ‘Alex’ Warned About: Another fun moment from Obama’s press conference with French President Francois Hollande, yesterday, occurred when a french reporter asked the president (Hollande – not Obama) about his ruinous Socialist policies.  It should be

Obama Is Everything 'Alex' Warned About

In response to Hanging out with Big Al de Tocqueville: I’m not inclined to write off the president’s “Alex” gaffe as a verbal stumble. I think it’s very unlikely that Obama has read any part of Alexis De Tocqueville’s remarkable

Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' (Video)

Today, as news was breaking that his administration was committing yet another unilateral and unlawful executive overreach,  Obama was overheard telling French President Francois Hollande that as President, he can do whatever he wants.  The French president,  here in the U.S. on

Why Democrats Are Spinning The CBO Report As Great News

In response to Why are Democrats Rarely Published for Saying Stupid Things?: I hate to break this to you, Joel – but to Democrats and their media enablers – a shrinking workforce and more people on government subsidies is a “good

Imagine If The GOP Did Something That Creepy

In response to What message are these Democrat creeps sending, exactly?: Re your question, “what’s your estimate of how long it would take for a five-alarm media freakout to erupt if a Republican group created a graphic like this about any

WH Twitter Account Steers Followers To Obscene GOP Twitter Troll

Progressives aren’t known for their class, sense of propriety, or even common decency, but the Obama White House really disgraced itself , yesterday, when Jesse Lee, it’s “Director of Progressive Media and Online Response,” directed the followers of his official

CBO Projects Obamacare Will Push 2 Million Workers Out of Labor Market

Looks like the latest estimates from the Congressional Budget Office support the message Senator Ted Cruz hammered repeatedly last Fall during his efforts to defund ObamaCare: “ObamaCare is the biggest job killer in America.”  The Washington Times reports: Obamacare will push the

MSNBC's Phil Griffin apologizes, Staffer fired

In response to RNC chairman calls for MSNBC blackout: Eric Wemple of the Washington Post’s media blog reported earlier today that Griffin was as “angry” as his colleagues had ever seen him. According to sources,  he warned his staff of serious

MSNBC To Be Hit With A Cluebat In The Coming Weeks And Months

In response to The Most Clueless Person on the Internet: Well, since @richardwolffedc and @msnbc have this new found sensitivity to “dumb and offensive” race-baiting, I’m sure vigilant conservatives on Twitter will be happy (eager really) to inform them of

Vulnerable Dems Already Proving Reid Wrong (Video)

In response to Harry Reid: ‘Vulnerable Democrats’ Want to Campaign with Obama (Video): CNN has been trying very admirably to get “vulnerable Democrats” on the record to say whether or not they want the president campaigning with them.  Yesterday’s State

Harry Reid: 'Vulnerable Democrats' Want to Campaign with Obama (Video)

Democrat senators who are vulnerable in 2014 are looking forward to campaigning with the president according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who suggested as much to CNN’s Dana Bash in an interview that will be aired, tonight. “Anytime the President of

Video: Obama's Abuse Of Power

Ted Cruz released this video today highlighting the President’s continued “lawless and abusive” disregard of the Constitution. Obama’s apologists like to point out that as far as executive orders go, he and Bush are virtually tied: In his first five

Why Democrats Love Obama's Minimum Wage Hike

When the president announces his executive order raising the minimum wage for workers under new federal contracts to $10.10 an hour at tonight’s State of the Union address, it will be one of the biggest applause lines of the night on

What Makes Hillary So 'Inevitable' in 2016?

In response to Hillary Says Benghazi Attack Was ‘Unpredictable’ and ‘Unforeseen’ Event: Somebody explain to me what it is that makes this woman so “inevitable” in 2016. Seriously, I don’t get it. Even without the Benghazi debacle, the State Department

Ted Cruz Has Some Helpful Ideas For Obama's SOTU Speech

Senator Ted Cruz is full of great ideas for the president to use in his State of the Union speech, Tuesday. Although the probability of Obama actually taking his advice is approximately 0% – you have to admire Cruz for