Charlie Nash

Charlie Nash - Page 7

Charlie Nash was a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @CharlieNash

Articles by Charlie Nash

The Guardian: ‘Doxxing’ Is ‘Effective’ Tactic Against ‘Far Right’

In an article for the Guardian, Wednesday, writer Jason Wilson claimed that though doxing is a “tactic” that has been “sneered at by some,” it has “proven to be effective” against ideological opponents and in “dismantling the far right.” Ironically, the same write called doxing a “danger facing US journalists” in June.


#LogOutFacebook: NAACP Organizes Facebook Boycott

The NAACP organized a boycott of Facebook and Facebook-owned platforms Instagram and WhatsApp, Tuesday, receiving support from Amy Schumer and ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s.

Silicon Valley wunderkind Zuckerberg in eye of the storm

Report: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Ignored Invitation to Meet ‘Civic Group’ in Myanmar

After Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey faced criticism for encouraging his followers to “go to Myanmar” this week after he spent ten days in the country for a meditation retreat, it was reported on Friday that Dorsey ignored an invitation from a local “key civic group” who wanted to speak to the Twitter CEO about technology in Myanmar.

The Associated Press

Tesla CEO Elon Musk: ‘I Do Not Respect the SEC’

In an interview on 60 Minutes, Sunday, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk declared, “I do not respect the SEC,” after settling with the government agency in September over a Twitter post accused of constituting “fraud.”

The Associated Press

Google Engineer: Company Blacklisted Dissident to Please Chinese Government

A Google software engineer revealed concerning details about the company’s efforts to please the government China before it launched its latest entry into the country — the censored Chinese search app “Project Dragonfly” — which allegedly included the company blacklisting Chinese dissidents from its buildings for fear of upsetting the Chinese government.

Google feels the future is in China