Cartel Chronicles

Articles by Cartel Chronicles

Cartel Jalisco Usaba TikTok para Reclutar Sicarios, Según SSPC

Una investigación sobre un supuesto campo de entrenamiento y exterminio del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación en México ha llevado a las autoridades a descubrir cómo uno de los cárteles más violentos del mundo utilizó TikTok para reclutar a sus sicarios.

Mexico's Public Security Secretary Omar Garcia Harfuch talks about the investigation into

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Citizen, One Other Killed By Terrorist Cartel Landmine in Mexico near Texas Border

A Texas man and a friend he was traveling with in Mexico died when their vehicle exploded after driving over a cartel landmine. The fatal explosion comes after Breitbart Texas reported on prior explosions where innocents sustained injuries. The report forced Mexico’s government to confirm the issue and send out a series of notices warning locals about the use of cartel landmines on dirt roads in Tamaulipas.

Vehicle used by a Texas man who died after driving over a cartel landmine in Mexico. (Cred

EXCLUSIVA: Texano y Amigo Mueren Tras Explosión de Marco-Mina en Tamaulipas.

Un hombre de Texas y uno de los amigos con los que viajaba en México murieron cuando su vehículo explotó después de pasar sobre una mina terrestre dejada por el crimen organizado. La explosión fatal se produce después de que Breitbart Texas informara sobre explosiones anteriores en las que inocentes resultaron heridos, lo que obligó al gobierno de México a confirmar el problema y enviar una serie de avisos advirtiendo a la gente de Tamaulipas sobre el uso de minas terrestres por parte de los carteles que se disputan la región.

Vehicle used by a Texas man who died after driving over a cartel landmine in Mexico. (Cred

U.S. Consulate in Mexico Sends Out Travel Warning over Cartel IEDs After Breitbart Report

The U.S. Consulate in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, issued a travel warning about drug cartels using land mines and other explosive devices in key border cities in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. After initially trying to conceal information about those devices and having previously tried to discredit previous alerts dealing with cartel kidnappings, the Tamaulipas government claimed to welcome the warnings and asked the public to be careful when moving through rural dirt roads.

Magazines and ammunition left behind by gunmen during an attack in Tamaulipas. (Credit: Br

Consulado de USA Manda Alerta Por Explosivos en Tamaulipas

El Consulado de los Estados Unidos en Matamoros envió una alerta de viaje para el estado fronterizo de Tamaulipas advirtiendo sobre el uso de minas terrestres y otros artefactos explosivos por parte de los cárteles de la droga en ciudades fronterizas clave.

Magazines and ammunition left behind by gunmen during an attack in Tamaulipas. (Credit: Br

Mexican Presidents Ignored DEA Intel on 43 Murdered Students

Recorded conversations between drug traffickers intercepted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 2014 give clues about the fates of 43 students who disappeared at the hands of Mexican authorities and crime lords on September 26 of that year in Guerrero. The information about the massacre is again causing political headaches for those in power in Mexico.
