Caroline May - Page 25

Articles by Caroline May

Goodlatte: Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Affirming Exec. Amnesty Injunction ‘Victory For The Constitution’

Goodlatte was one of many Republican lawmakers who praised the Tuesday ruling.

“By acting unilaterally to rewrite our nation’s immigration laws, President Obama has disregarded the will of the American people and violated the Constitution. Such lawlessness must be stopped so that we preserve the separation of powers in the Constitution and protect individual liberty,” Goodlatte says.

The Associated Press

Gallup: Social Liberalism On The Rise

A left turn? The percentage of American who say they are socially liberal is equal to the percentage who identify as socially conservative for the first time since Gallup began asking Americans to describe their social views in 1999.

The Associated Press

Foreign-Born More Likely To Have Job Than Native-Born Americans

In 2014, the unemployment rate for foreign-born people was 5.6 percent, compared to 6.3 percent for native-born Americans. Both groups experienced declines in unemployment from the year prior when foreign-born unemployment was 6.9 percent and native-born was 7.5 percent.


Senate Advances ‘Fast-Track’ Authority For Obama

The trade push has made unusual bedfellows of Republicans and President Obama as well as provided some uncomfortable exchanges between Obama and the more progressive wing of his party, which opposes the trade effort.

The Associated Press

Sen. Sessions Myth-Busts Obama Trade Effort

With the Senate poised to vote to end debate on Obama’s fast-track trade legislation, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is continuing his assault on the effort. Wednesday, Sessions took on arguments for the trade deal with a series of what he office says


37 MS-13 Gang Members Indicted In Charlotte, NC

While all 37 alleged gang members have been indicted on racketeering conspiracy charges, 22 of them are charged with additional crimes including those violent felonies Rose indicated.


Elian Gonzalez Says He Would Like To Return To U.S.

More than 15 years after Cuba’s Elian Gonzalez was rescued off the coast of Florida and later embroiled in an international custody battle, Gonzalez says he would like to return to the U.S. for a visit.

The international fight over where Gonzalez would live ended with him returning to Cuba. I

House Votes to Remove Amnesty Amendment from NDAA

The House voted to strip language from the National Defense Authorization Act that would have called on the Pentagon to consider allowing illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty — via Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)— to serve in the U.S. military.

AP Photo

Senate Votes to Proceed to Revived Fast-Track Obama Trade Bill

After filibustering a top Obama trade item Tuesday, a number of Democrats relented Thursday afternoon as the Senate voted to bring Trade Promote Authority to the floor. Exceeding the 60 vote threshold, the motion passed to proceed to the trade

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