Mexican Journalist Murdered in Acapulco – 9th in 2021
Gunmen kidnapped a Mexican journalist from his home only to shoot and leave him behind hours later in Acapulco. The murder is the ninth of its kind in 2021.
Gunmen kidnapped a Mexican journalist from his home only to shoot and leave him behind hours later in Acapulco. The murder is the ninth of its kind in 2021.
Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a journalist in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. He was supposed to be under government protection after receiving threats in response to his work. The crime is the eighth of its kind in 2021.
A sail-powered training vessel for the Ecuadoran Navy intercepted a narco-submarine and arrested four crewmen. Authorities did not disclose if the vessel was carrying drugs at the time.
Sicarios del Cártel del Golfo utilizaron camiones de basura del municipio para establecer numerosos bloqueos en toda la ciudad fronteriza de Matamoros como una forma de frenar la respuesta militar y policial durante una fuerte balacera. No está claro si los vehículos de la ciudad fueron tomados por la fuerza o con la complicidad de funcionarios de la ciudad, ya que la organización criminal y algunos funcionarios locales tienen una larga historia de cooperación.
Gulf Cartel gunmen used municipal vehicles to set roadblocks throughout the border city of Matamoros as a way to slow down military and police responses to a shootout. It remains unclear if the government vehicles were taken by force or not, however, the criminal organization and local authorities have a long history of cooperation.
A top enforcer with Mexico’s Gulf Cartel died during a fierce shootout that left four people dead — including a young child. Two other innocent victims were struck by the gunfire. The cartel enforcer was the first such person to
Un importante operador del Cártel del Golfo de México murió en un fuerte tiroteo que mató a cuatro personas, incluido un niño que era una victima inocente. Otras dos víctimas inocentes, fueron alcanzadas por disparos. El operador del narco fue el primer individuo en tener una canción de rap dedicada a él por un grupo reconocido.
Gunmen in northern Mexico tried to carjack a U.S. family driving to a tourist destination. During the attempt, the gunmen fired several shots at the vehicle, however, no injuries were reported by the victims.
Two female tourists visiting Mexico’s famed beach hotspot Tulum died at a bar after being caught in the crossfire of a cartel shootout. Three more tourists sustained gunshot injuries.
EXCLUSIVE: Texas Border City Builds Ties with Mexican Officials Facing Money Laundering Investigations
Autoridades de una ciudad fronteriza de Texas han estado creando lazos con figuras políticas y financieras claves en México y parecen estar promoviendo el crecimiento; sin embargo, esas mismas personas con las que se crearon los lazos son objeto de investigaciones por lavado de dinero.
The relatives of a fallen Gulf Cartel boss fled to Texas after surviving an assassination attempt in Mexico last week. They illegally crossed into Texas where U.S. Border Patrol agents treated five of them for gunshot wounds.
Two gunmen from Mexico’s Gulf Cartel illegally entered Texas after fleeing from a shootout with Mexican authorities. Local police arrested the men as they tried to hide with migrants who crossed the Rio Grande.
Una investigación por parte de las autoridades federales mexicanas sobre el gobernador entrante del estado fronterizo de Nuevo León ha revelado que otra empresa fantasma que se busca está rodeada de sospechosos asesinatos del cártel.
An investigation by Mexican federal authorities into the incoming border state governor of Nuevo Leon revealed more shell companies with links to suspicious cartel murders.
Los funcionarios mexicanos están preocupados porque se espera que más de 125,000 migrantes haitianos estén en el país para fin de año, y la mayoría de ellos querrán llegar a la frontera con Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, la cifra podría ser mucho más alta debido a que más migrantes pueden ingresar al país sin interacción con las autoridades, por lo que esos permanecerían sin contar. Las preocupaciones expresadas por los funcionarios no solo se refieren a cuestiones migratorias, sino a cuestiones humanitarias y sanitarias, ya que México no cuenta con instalaciones, salubridad, y alimentos para hacer frente a tal aumento.
Mexican officials are concerned that more than 125,000 Haitian migrants are expected to be in their country by the end of 2021 with the majority trying to reach the U.S. border. However, the figure could be much higher due to migrants who enter Mexico without notifying authorities. The concerns expressed by officials range from law enforcement to humanitarian and sanitary issues since Mexico does not have the resources to absorb the influx.
Mexico’s federal government confirmed the discovery of a cartel killing field miles south of the Texas border and is believed to have been used by the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas.
Un grupo de sicarios del Cártel del Golfo disparó contra agentes federales mexicanos que intentaban detener varios vehículos con decenas de migrantes que se dirigían a la frontera de Estados Unidos.
Gulf Cartel gunmen shot at Mexican federal agents who were trying to stop vehicles loaded with dozens of migrants headed for the U.S. border.
Mexican officials estimate more than 40,000 Haitian migrants are currently in that country trying to find a way to reach the U.S. border. A small fraction are trying to get documents to stay in Mexico.
Gunmen shot and killed a journalist in Central Mexico, marking the seventh murder of its kind in 2021.
A group of 14 Mexican soldiers riding in two vehicles crossed into Texas at an international port of entry. The incursion led to officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection taking their weapons and temporarily placing them in handcuffs. One of the soldiers had a small amount of marijuana.
A Mexican federal prosecutor is under investigation for allegedly botching an investigation that led to the release of two drug suspects arrested with more than 220 pounds of cocaine and weapons in the border state of Nuevo Leon.
Un fiscal federal mexicano está bajo investigación por presuntamente estropear una investigación que condujo a la liberación de dos sospechosos de drogas que habían sido arrestados con más de 220 libras de cocaína y armas en el estado fronterizo de Nuevo León.
Mexican federal authorities are now cracking down on Caribbean migrants trying to reach the Texas border. The move comes after they allowed thousands of Haitians to reach Del Rio, Texas.
Two hitmen from Los Zetas Cartel in Mexico crossed into Texas to carry out a home invasion turned execution, authorities revealed. Investigators are asking for the public’s help in identifying the gunmen on the run.
Unknown terrorists used a bomb to kill two men outside a restaurant in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato. The device injured four more individuals.
Caribbean migrants claim that Mexico’s government is lying to them in order to keep them from reaching the U.S. border as they seek jobs and a better life.
Hundreds of Caribbean migrants trying to reach the U.S. border walked through an immigration checkpoint operated by Mexican authorities. The group is trying to reach the border city of Reynosa before crossing the Rio Grande to Texas.
Mexican authorities in the state of Tamaulipas stopped more than 15 buses with approximately 400 to 500 migrants heading to the border with Texas. Once the migrants got off the buses, they continued walking north while several motorists gave them rides.
Violence from Gulf Cartel members and cheaper smuggling rates than their rivals are two main factors pushing thousands of Caribbean migrants to Del Rio instead of the Rio Grande Valley, which is considerably closer in terms of travel distance.
Mexican immigration officials are issuing thousands of travel documents to Caribbean migrants as they enter that country’s southern border. The documents allow them to travel freely through Mexico and eventually reach the Texas border.
Mexican authorities are escorting buses full of Caribbean migrants to the Texas border so they can request asylum. The move has led to thousands of migrants crossing the Rio Grande and overwhelming the detention capacity of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
A justice of the peace from a Texas border county is one of 19 individuals recently arrested by federal authorities on drug charges. The case is the latest to include officials from Starr County, an area with a long history of public corruption and cartel ties.
Un operador financiero investigado por fraude y evasión fiscal en relación con la campaña de un gobernador electo de Nuevo León también esta ligado al presunto uso de empresas fantasma para lavar dinero, eludir sanciones internacionales y vender víveres con sobreprecio a Venezuela.
A financial operator tied to the ongoing fraud and tax evasion probe of a Mexican border state governor-elect is also linked to the alleged use of shell companies to bypass international sanctions and sell overpriced goods to Venezuela.
A recently murdered drug distributor in Mexico was the key owner of a company that is under investigation for funneling funds into the campaign of the governor-elect of the border state of Nuevo Leon. The campaign funds went to the same politician whose family was previously exposed by Breitbart Texas as allegedly having embezzled millions from a former leader of the Gulf Cartel.
Un distribuidor de drogas asesinado recientemente en México era el propietario clave de una empresa que está bajo investigación por canalizar fondos hacia la campaña del gobernador electo del estado fronterizo de Nuevo León. Los fondos de la campaña se destinaron al mismo político cuya familia fue expuesta anteriormente por Breitbart Texas por supuestamente haber malversado millones de un exlíder del Cártel del Golfo.
Las autoridades mexicanas arrestaron a un mando del Cartel del Golfo que supervisaba las rutas utilizadas para el contrabando de migrantes y drogas desde otras partes de México hasta la frontera con Texas. El líder del cartel se hospedaba en un hotel en el estado fronterizo de Nuevo León.