Brandon Darby

Brandon Darby - Page 12

Articles by Brandon Darby

EXCLUSIVA: Uso de Ambulancia de Matamoros en Secuestro de Estadounidenses Revela Nexos Con Altos Funcionarios

Mientras las autoridades de ambos lados de la frontera continúan investigando el secuestro de cuatro ciudadanos estadounidenses en la ciudad fronteriza de Matamoros y el uso de una ambulancia municipal para trasladarlos, Breitbart Texas se descubrió de forma exclusiva de que las autoridades están investigando funcionarios de Protección Civil de la ciudad, donde uno de ellos tiene antecedentes penales por haber trabajado para el Cártel del Golfo.

Matamoros Shooting (7)

EXCLUSIVE: Kidnapping of 4 Americans in Mexico Draws Questions About Gulf Cartel’s Potential Control of Ambulances

As authorities on both sides of the border investigate the kidnapping of four U.S. citizens in Matamoros, eyes are now focused on the local Civil Protection Department. Breitbart Texas learned exclusively that the office’s EMS component is being probed for potential Gulf Cartel ties. During the incident, gunmen were able to use an official ambulance to move wounded victims to a medical facility under their control.

Matamoros Shooting (7)

Mexican President Lopez Obrador: Don’t Vote Republican

Mexico’s president said he would call for all Hispanics to not vote for Republicans, because they are members of a “corrupt, inhumane, and hypocritical” party. The harsh words come as U.S. politicians call for a stronger response to Mexican cartels, particularly after the recent fatal kidnappings of four Americans.


New Questions Arise After U.S. Citizens Kidnapped, Killed near Border in Mexico

While Mexico’s government claims the case of four U.S. citizens kidnapped in Matamoros was due to mistaken identity, questions have surfaced in the aftermath. New information indicates that some in the victim group had criminal backgrounds regarding drug charges — complicating the original story about a trip to Mexico for cosmetic procedures.

Matamoros (5)

Municipio de Matamoros Cobrando Piso y Cuotas Para el CDG

Los empresarios de la ciudad fronteriza de Matamoros están sonando la alarma sobre cómo los funcionarios de la ciudad están recaudando tarifas de extorsión en nombre del Cartel del Golfo. Aquellos que no pagan se enfrentan al pago de multas impuestas por la ciudad y podrían cerrar su negocio.

Matamoros Customs

Major Sheriff’s Associations Call for ‘Eradication’ of Mexican Drug Cartels 

The largest sheriff’s associations in the country called for the eradication of Mexican drug cartels and for the public to pressure their elected officials to do something about it. The groups called for action to start against the two most powerful criminal organizations in Mexico. The call for action by the sheriffs comes follows 21 state attorneys general called for cartels to be designated as terrorist organizations.


Mexican Cartel-Style Violence Spreading in California over Marijuana Grow Fields

Contrary to political rhetoric, Mexican cartel-style killings and gun battles appear to have already reached the U.S. and are spreading — particularly in California. The region experienced an explosive growth of cartel marijuana grow operations that are taking advantage of legalization and lax laws.

O'BRIEN, OR - January 12, 2022: Aerial view of illegal marijuana grow sites adjacent

Mexican Journalist Survives Shooting During Kidnapping Attempt in Cancun

A journalist in Cancun, Mexico, survived a shooting attack after five gunmen attempted to kidnap him. The journalist is frequently targeted and threatened for his reporting. In October, unknown gunmen firebombed a delivery vehicle from the same news outlet he works for.

Cancun Beach Security -- Getty Images

EXCLUSIVA: Traficantes de Personas Usan Aerolínea de Bajo Costo Para Mover Haitianos a Reynosa

Los traficantes de personas con nexos a los cárteles en México han ideado una forma más rápida y económica para trasladar a una gran cantidad de migrantes caribeños, principalmente de Haití, desde la Ciudad de México a la ciudad fronteriza de Reynosa. A través de una laguna burocrática y, en ocasiones, con la ayuda de funcionarios de inmigración mexicanos corruptos, los traficantes de personas pueden usar una aerolínea de bajo costo en México en lugar de autobuses o automóviles.

Haitians in Reynosa

WATCH: Mexican Border State Government Now Admits to Cartel Extortion Problems

Authorities in the border state of Sonora were forced to change their story that extortion schemes were not a problem after new videos of cartel gunmen beating innocent victims surfaced recently. The violence is allegedly the result of victims not paying the Sinaloa Cartel for the right to work.

Sonora extortion 2nd video

Mexican Government Confirms Arrest of El Chapo’s Son

Mexico’s government announced the arrest of Ovidio “El Raton” Guzman Lopez, the son of jailed Sinaloa Cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Thursday. The news set off hours of narco-blockades and heavy shootouts as allied gunmen tried to force his release.

Sinaloa Patrol (1)