[youtube qszzV1tkzoE nolink] With so many tales of military heroism left to tell, Clooney and Company choose this… “But “The Men Who Stare at Goats” is inspired by a “true” story,” they’ll say… But why is it always these kinds
[youtube 7Iq8z2WDbKo nolink]
[youtube wVr8eLWuz8E nolink]
[youtube JAPyipuT-Jg nolink] Highlights: ‘Avatar’ looks like a glossed up ‘Land Before Time 3.’ I wait ten years for f–king ‘Captain Planet’ with cats! Who the hell wants ‘Clone Wars: Thundercats?’ Fake fan made posters turned out more exciting than
[youtube hg8-w6zXboI nolink] Visit juliastilesstyles.com.
[youtube MSfFYxSdKdo nolink] Via: K-Lo at The Corner… “You’ll say something next time.”
[youtube iD5C9BIMWXU nolink]
[youtube _rRE5UK6NQU nolink] Join the Big Hollywood pool… How long before the media starts their dirty work on this man? For those of you who didn’t choose A: They’ve Already Started… first time in America? UPDATE: The Congressman being addressed
Hate, venom and intolerance towards everyday folks speaking their minds is nothing new from Ms. Garofalo, but “tea bagging” jokes are so last April. Has she not received the White House/MSNBC Town Hall Talking Points? In an appearance at the
[youtube Wz4K-Rxx2Bk nolink]
Catholic Digest has a fascinating interview with Jim Caviezel, star of “The Stoning of Soraya M.” Here’s an excerpt: This guy I know said, ‘You’re pro-life. Tell you what, if you really believe in what you speak, adopt a child
[youtube IhydyxRjujU nolink]
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Over the weekend we noted our skepticism about Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove will be appearing in upcoming episodes of the the left-wing Fox cartoon “Family Guy.” Mr. Limbaugh recorded his episode yesterday and discussed the episode and the “Family
[youtube HtEmLymdUeM nolink] — This month’s Exhibit P proving Hollywood’s no longer money-driven. Nearly 60 million Americans wanted Sarah Palin for their Vice President, including most of Middle-America. These voters are the folks this holiday-timed studio film will kinda need
Alec Baldwin doesn’t see much of a moral difference between Michael Vick and anyone who isn’t a strict vegan: [Vick] suffers an unfair disadvantage as compared to, say, the heads of a meatpacking plant or the directors of a medical
The L.A. Times reports details on the Obama Joker poster artist. Read the whole article here. Here are some highlights: -Was it an ultra-conservative grassroots group or a disgruntled street artist going against the grain? Nope, it turns out, just
From ABC: DWTS is a long way from Washington D.C.’s world of politics, so we’re anxious to see just how well this Texas native can do the two-step! One of the most influential Republican figures in the early 2000s, Tom
From an ABCNews.com article: ABC News’ Cullen Dirner reports: Two popular Republican figures, Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove, will make an appearance on next season’s “Family Guy.” Arguably a liberal leaning show, “Family Guy” is reaching out to the other
From an article on TODAY’s website: “Photo Courtesy of the Miss Universe L.P., LLP” In a first for any U.S.-based pageant organization, the Miss Universe Organization has taken the unusual step of releasing topless photos of its outgoing Miss Universe,
[youtube USUDlMBR-dQ nolink]
Fox411 reported today that Rosie O’Donnell called the lone-“View” Republican “a word that rhymes with ‘swat’” during a routine on her “Girls’ Night Out Tour.” From the article: “Rosie started out by asking the audience, ‘What was that show I
Brad Pitt gained much notoriety for his environmentally friendly housing project in New Orlean’s Katrina-ravaged Lower 9th Ward. Recently, a budding grassroots movement has gained momentum to elect Pitt Mayor of the city. Earlier today, Mr. Pitt sat down with