Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro - Page 5

Articles by Ben Shapiro

Poll: Obama Millennials Want to Leave the America They Created

A new poll from TransferWise shows that 35 percent of those born in the United States would consider ditching their home country to live elsewhere; that number skyrockets among those aged 18-34, the so-called millennials, 55 percent of whom said they would think of taking off if given the chance.

Thomas Hawk/Flickr

SCOTUS Declares Itself God, Redefines Marriage and Rights

The day after declaring Obamacare magically rewritten and that the lawsuits against discrimination in housing require no proof of actual discrimination, the Supreme Court found a unicorn in the 14th Amendment.

The Associated Press

Roberts Court Tortures Law to Save Obamacare…Again!

On Thursday, the Supreme Court released its long-awaited decision on Obamacare’s IRS subsidies under federal health insurance exchanges. And, as expected, the Court rewrote the statute to help President Obama’s signature law.

AP Photo

Supreme Court Says Discrimination Against Viewpoint OK on License Plates

On Thursday, the Supreme Court’s streak of incoherent decisions remained intact, as the Court ruled that the state of Texas could ban Confederate flag symbols from license plates but that the town of Gilbert, Arizona, could not place time restrictions on billboards based on content. This is, to say the least, nonsensical. But we expect nothing less than nonsense from the Supreme Court these days.

News Channel 10

Rachel Dolezal: Jenner Story ‘Resonated,’ ‘I Cried’

On NBC News’ Today show, newfound media star Rachel Dolezal, the former local NAACP leader who claims she is black despite her Caucasian ancestry, said she found inspiration in the story of Bruce Jenner’s transition to womanhood.

REUTERS/Stephanie Keith

Peak Trump: ‘I Don’t Need Anybody’s Money’

On Tuesday, Donald Trump laid out the most entertaining campaign launch in presidential history. The stagecraft – descending his elevator in his tower behind his sexy wife – was magnificent. The Donald knew that the crowd expected The Donald, and thus he gave them Peak The Donald.

CBS New York/AP

Everything You Need to Know About Transracial Hero Rachel Dolezal

Just last week the President of the United States congratulated Bruce Jenner on his courageous decision to pretend to be a woman, and the entire left bursting into spasms of ecstasy over a collectively insane decision to ratify the notion that men can magically become women. Today, the entire left is struggling to explain how a white woman who identifies herself as black is not, in fact, black.

The Associated Press

5 Reasons Free Traders Should Oppose Obamatrade

The debate over whether Congress should grant President Obama fast track authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreements has now been reduced down to a false choice between free trade and protectionism.


Obama Cracks Down on Airplane Emissions, Buys Massive New Air Force One

On Wednesday, according to The Hill, the White House Office of Management and Budget approved new plans to regulate airplane emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency will now hold hearings on the prospective findings, then write up regulation. According to the


Tony Award Winner: 10-Year-Old Lesbian With Closeted Gay Father

Sunday night featured the annual Tony Awards, celebrating the supposed best of Broadway. Experts predicted awful ratings; the ratings for the Tony Awards have dropped steadily over time, with only 7 million people watching last year. Last night, few were going to tune in, given that no blockbuster musical like The Producers or The Book of Mormon had a shot at the top award, and no major hosts outside Broadway took the stage (the hosts were Kristin Chenoweth and Alan Cumming).


Former NYT Reporter: the Time for Revolution Is Nigh!

On Friday, published a wide-ranging interview with “journalist” Chris Hedges, a former reporter for The New York Times who now writes for Truthdig, among others. Hedges recently spoke at a fundraiser to re-elect openly socialist Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant; now he’s calling for a full-scale socialist revolution.

Jeff RobersonAP Photo

John Cusack: Obama ‘Worse than Bush’

On Thursday, The Daily Beast released an interview with actor John Cusack, an ardent leftist, who tore apart the Obama administration, dropping the A-bomb of leftspeak: “worse than Bush.” Cusack accused Obama of “state-sanctioned murder” and emptying “language and meaning.” He begged off of a debate about gun control with Vince Vaughn.

AP Photos

Obama’s Trade Agreement Leaks as Republicans Cower

On Thursday, Wikileaks released new information about the international trade deal being negotiated by the Obama administration in secret and with the approval of many top Congressional Republicans.

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Obama: ‘I’m The Closest Thing to a Jew’ to Ever Be President

On Tuesday, former Obama advisor David Axelrod informed an Israeli television channel that President Obama considers himself “the closet thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.” Obama’s deep and abiding connection to Jewish identity is obviously rooted in his ethnic background, connected to Jews via (?); his ideological ties to Jews, such as (?); and a profound connection with the state of Israel as evidenced by (?).


Vanity Fair’s Self-Defeating Jenner Photo

On Monday, Bruce Jenner announced that he wanted to be called Caitlyn Jenner in a photo spread for Vanity Fair. The now-famous photo featured Jenner, heavily made up, photoshopped, wearing a Trashy Lingerie-brand corset, splashed classical Hollywood ingénue-style across the cover. Media quickly compared Jenner with Jessica Lange and Geena Davis.

Vanity Fair

Debunking Myths About The Patriot Act

Over the weekend, three provisions of the Patriot Act expired thanks to the machinations of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). That expiration drew the ire of major political figures from both sides of the aisle.

The Associated Press

Obama GDP Drops -0.7%… Recession Coming?

On Friday, the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis released its revised economic report for the first quarter of 2015 – and in a “surprising” and “unexpected” twist (surprising and unexpected only because Barack Obama is president and the media are constantly surprised that the Sun God cannot rain gold from the heavens), the GDP dropped -0.7%.

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

Five Scandals for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders that Would Sink any Republican

On Thursday, Dan Joseph of Media Research Center uncovered an old column written by 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VA). In that column, Sanders bestowed upon the world his wisdom with regard to men and women:

A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused. A woman enjoys intercourse with her man – as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.


The Big Tent Party Collapses

The GOP is falling apart. How else to explain the wide variance of positions within the Republican Party on basic issues ranging from same-sex marriage to immigration to tax policy? For years, GOP bigwigs have explained that the Republican Party

The Associated Press

Rabbi Barack Teaches ‘Jewish Values’

On Friday, President Obama spoke at Congregation Adas Israel just before the Sabbath on the weekend of Shavuot, one of the key festivals of Judaism celebrating the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. There, Obama proceeded to lecture Jews about “Jewish values,” which apparently include surrendering to Palestinian terrorism, forsaking the land of their heritage, and allowing Iran to pursue nuclear weapons.

Barack Obama delivers remarks on Jewish American History Month at the Adas Israel Congrega

Circuit Courts Strike Blows Against Religious Liberty

This week, various appeals courts across the country ruled on whether religious institutions should be exempted from the Obamacare contraception mandate. The court decisions make it all but inevitable that the Supreme Court will be forced in the next few months to consider whether religious institutions must cover contraception in violation of their religious freedom.

file photo of birth control pills.

The Hillary Clinton Administration

We are just over a month into the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign, and she has already reached Peak Hillary: corruption, obfuscation, and stonewalling.


George Stephanopoulos’ Long History with Clinton Foundation

After admitting that he gave some $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation, George Stephanopoulos, the “objective” news anchor from ABC News, apologized on-air for failing to disclose the donations on Friday, even as he interviewed author Peter Schweizer about Clinton Foundation fundraising improprieties.

AP Photo/Gerry Broome

8 Questions The Media Should Ask Hillary…But Won’t

Thus far in her campaign, she has answered a grand total of 13 questions. These ranged from the blasé (“How do you win this time?”) to the mockable (“How are you liking Iowa?”), from the stupid (“Is it good to be back out here again?”) to the even more stupid (“What do you think the importance of the Iowa caucus will be in the upcoming election?”).

hillary clinton sunglasses blackberry Kevin Lamarque AP

Why Americans Are Abandoning Religion

On Tuesday, Pew Research released a new study finding a radical increase in the number of religiously unaffiliated Americans. That increase correlated strongly with the decrease in the number of Catholics, mainline Protestants, and evangelical Protestants over the past seven years.

Prayer reuters