Austin Ruse: Trans in Military Is Based on Fake Science
President Trump did the right thing in overturning the Obama policy of allowing the gender confused in uniform to defend our country.

President Trump did the right thing in overturning the Obama policy of allowing the gender confused in uniform to defend our country.
The following is an exclusive excerpt from Austin Ruse’s new book “Fake Science: Exposing the Left’s Skewed Statistics, Fuzzy Facts, and Dodgy Data.”
Elizabeth Smart was only 14 when she was abducted from her home in Utah, dragged into the mountains at knife point and kept in a remote camp for nine months before she was finally rescued.
Newly released documents from Wikileaks have exposed the efforts of hard-left billionaire George Soros to make Pope Francis quiet down on social issues like abortion and man-woman marriage and make income equality and global warming the centerpiece of his visit last year to the U.S. The documents show how these wealthy groups worked closely with the Pope’s closest advisers including two U.S. Bishops and one Latin American Cardinal.
Scientific research shows that most “transgender” children and teenagers who claim they wish to change sexes instead just change their minds and grow up as normal adults, according to a new report.
On the campaign trail in Michigan yesterday, GOP vice presidential candidate Mike Pence pledged that he and Donald Trump will see the end of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that imposed abortion-on-demand on the 50 states.
The new Democratic Party is absolutist on abortion, believing in no restrictions on a woman getting one.
The tale of Matthew Shepard’s gay martyrdom filled the TV screens at the Democrats’ convention in Philadelphia — even though the story is a myth, from beginning to end.
The left is melting down about Phil Robertson’s speech to the Western Conservative Summit over the weekend in Colorado.
A new study shows there’s much more depression, obesity and suicidal tendencies among adults raised by same-sex couples than among adults raised by a normal family of complementary male and female parents.
Google analyst Alexander Rhodes grew weary of masturbating to online porn, a habit he says began at 11 when he accidentally clicked on a site for rape porn.
Gays say they want action, including for the Catholic Church to change its teachings.
The ticketed “Black Mass” is to take place at the Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City on August 15, which is one of the most important “Solemnities” in the Catholic calendar, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, which celebrates what Catholics believe was the event where Jesus’s mother was taken bodily into Heaven at the end of her life on earth.
“I am a lone voice in the academic and social work world speaking out against the [trensgender] transitioning of autistic people, what I feel to be both a crime against the disabled as well as their sterilization,” Dr. Kathleen Levinstein says. Her 19-year-old daughter is accepting massive testosterone injections to “grow a penis.”
Donald Trump spoke to a huge New York City hotel ballroom packed with nearly 1,000 conservative religious leaders, mostly evangelicals along with a smattering of Catholics and, without a doubt, did himself a world of good.
Researchers looked at “transgenerational consequences” of exposure to EE2 and found “a reduced rate of fertilization and an increased incidence of embryo mortality.” These consequences were found in several generations of fish. They also found “transgenerational effects on survival and fecundity, which consequently disrupted population dynamics.”
Schupe thought he was a woman so he announced that he was and upon retirement from the Army in 2013 began his “transition.” So he holed up in a cabin in the woods and began taking hormones. Pictures from three years ago show what looks like a burly man with what looks like a wig.
A new study published this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows “…clear evidence that access to condoms in schools leads to an increase in teen fertility.” In fact, counties that gave condoms away to teens experienced a 10 percent increase in teen pregnancy.
Father Hermann Scheipers was targeted by the Nazis because of his ministering to Polish forced laborers. He celebrated mass for them and heard their confessions. For this, in October 1940 he was arrested and five months later taken to Dachau.
Gregory Mertz, a Washington DC-based American who works for Madrid-based, said he witnessed a young man try to keep men out of the lady’s room at the Hotel Catalonia where the General Assembly of the OAS was meeting.
The climate in the Utah state capital is very gay-friendly. The mayor is gay. The gay flag flies at the state capital in Salt Lake City. Even the Girl Scouts have special troop for gay and trans girls.
Youths in Fairfax County, Virginia, can now be disciplined and even expelled from school for criticizing the new transgender ideology.
Americans increasing look askance at Planned Parenthood. In 1993, a huge majority — 81 percent — of Americans thought highly of the abortion giant. That is down to 59 percent this year. The video expose released last year showing Planned Parenthood personnel negotiating to sell fetal baby-parts may play a roll in the drop.
Taking 17 years to complete (at a cost of 11 billion Euros) and measuring 35 miles, the tunnel is said to be the longest and most expensive tunnel ever built. On hand for the opening were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
A documentary about to air in Great Britain exposes more boundary-pushing by the gay world — men who like to dress up like dogs and be “handled” by their owners in so-called “pup play.” The “Secret Life of Human Pups”
Scientists now are injecting human stem cells into days-old animal embryos, “then gestating these in female livestock.” MIT Technology Review interviewed three teams, two in California and one in Minnesota and “estimates that about 20 pregnancies of pig-human or sheep-human chimeras have been established during the past 12 months in the U.S….”
Wealthy real-estate agent Michel Madie throws sex parties and dresses them up as the latest thing; polyamorous explorations of what he calls “open sexuality” with a bit of eastern mysticism tossed in.
Austrians have decided to not elect a leader who is committed to stopping the Muslim migrant invasion. Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) went down to defeat today by a mere 31,000 votes out of 4.47 million votes cast. Hofer
Respected Vatican journalist John Allen reports today his speculation that Pope Francis just does not like America or Americans.
The left-wing group Think Progress immediately went with the race card, referring to the “eleven white people Donald Trump will consider for the Supreme Court.”
President Barack Obama says he fully supports the aggressive new federal rules which require 55 million K-12 kids to comply with the transgender claim that even one person’s “gender identity” is more important than the inborn needs and preference of many normal girls and boys.
A New York-based American law firm is slow-walking the recent order of the Supreme Court that Iran must pay up and likely could delay payment for years to come.
Black leaders are offended by President Barack Obama’s order that men who claim to be female must be allowed to shower with normal women and girls, and also by his deputies’ claim that federal support for transgenders and “gender identity” is just like the campaign to win equal civil rights for African-Americans.
Fairfax County school board member Elizabeth Schultz says that the new order from the Obama administration is a direct threat to poor children in her school district and around the country.
A sweeping order from the Obama administration insists all facilities that receive federal funds must henceforth allow men in dresses to use women’s private facilities including bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms. The order includes schools at all levels.
Watch: College Students Say They Can’t See Differences Between the Two Sexes
In December, the Human Rights Commission of Washington State issued a ruling that transsexual men may have a right to use women’s locker rooms, and if a woman complains, she may be removed.
Gay writer Daniel Harris says, “The whole phenomenon of switching one’s gender is a mass delusion.”
The organizers of the Milwaukee Pride Parade have fired this year’s lesbian Grand Marshall because she is critical of so-called “trans-women,” that is, men who wear female clothes and think they are women.
Scientists at Northwestern University in Chicago believe they have photographed the moment human life begins. They have filmed a flash of light as sperm enters the human egg.