Ann Coulter - Page 2

Articles by Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Tips on Fake News for Twitter’s New CEO

The new Twitter CEO has a difficult job ahead of him, trying to keep the platform free of dangerous misinformation spewed by powerful Democrats, establishment news organizations, and influential celebrities.


Ann Coulter: Get Rittenhouse!

Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial so that no one will dare stand in the way of the left’s shock troops ever again.


Ann Coulter: Give the Dog Narcan

The best way to prevent the human tragedy caused by fentanyl and meth addiction is to secure our borders.


Ann Coulter: Media Gone Wild (Over Trump!)

Biden is cratering, fuel prices are skyrocketing, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are pouring across our border, and the murder rate keeps hitting historic highs. But the establishment media can’t stop talking about TRUMP.


Ann Coulter: Kill Back Better

As dead bodies pile up in Chicago under Kim Foxx, remember: This is the criminal justice “reform” Democrats want for the entire country.


Ann Coulter: Joe vs. the Swamp

President Biden ended the war in Afghanistan earlier this week, fulfilling the broken promises of the last three presidents, whereupon both the liberal and conservative media rose up as one to shout: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Ann Coulter: Why Is Protecting White Serial Killers?

Some of the largest DNA databases — Ancestry, 23andMe, and Helix — already refuse to share their databases with the police without a court order. What is their argument? Ancestry doesn’t want to lose the business of skittish serial killers?


Ann Coulter: ‘Florida Woman’ Saner Than Media

Before the media turned DeSantis critic Rebekah Jones into their next Erin Brockovich, they should have done 10 seconds of Googling to find out about the Florida woman’s troubling past.


Ann Coulter: Only in Florida: Crazed Woman Stalks Governor

In another Very Florida story, a woman with a colorful criminal history has spent the last year collecting media accolades and a half-million dollars in donations by accusing the Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, of fudging the state’s COVID numbers.


Coulter: Derek Chauvin, George Floyd, and the Case Against Mob Justice

As it becomes increasingly obvious that the belligerent onlookers themselves may have gotten George Floyd killed by creating a dangerous situation for the officers, media commentators leap in to do backup work for the prosecutors by sneering at the idea that the officers might have felt threatened by a few rowdy teenagers.


Ann Coulter: The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully

I hope someone is recording the media’s demands that Trump supporters ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION! inasmuch as the Democrats refuse to accept the results of any presidential election they lose, unless it’s a landslide, and sometimes even then.


Ann Coulter: What Now?

Democrats could come out for vivisection of little children. No one cares! A significant share of the electorate was voting for Anyone But Trump.
