Andre Walker

Andre Walker - Page 12

Articles by Andre Walker

UKIP Support At All Time High After £1.7bn EU Surcharge

Support for UKIP has surged once again, this time because of the £1.7bn EU surcharge to the British taxpayer announced on Friday. The ComRes survey for the Independent put Farage’s party on 19 percent, up four points on last month.

UKIP Support At All Time High After £1.7bn EU Surcharge

Cinema Pays For 'London Living Wage' Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it’s staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the

Cinema Pays For 'London Living Wage' Deal By Sacking Staff

Millions 'Disappear' In Campaign Against Postal Vote Fraud

The total size of Britain’s electorate is expected to drop by up to five million when the electoral register is ‘cleaned up’ to remove anyone who has not personally signed up for it. The individual voter registration policy was brought

Millions 'Disappear' In Campaign Against Postal Vote Fraud

Witnesses Offered Protection As Mayor Rahman's Court Day Looms

EAST LONDON, United Kingdom – The Commissioner of the special election court considering allegations of electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets has ruled witnesses’ names and addresses will no longer be made public. Richard Mawrey QC made the ruling after those

Witnesses Offered Protection As Mayor Rahman's Court Day Looms

Cameron Opens Door For Partial Payment Of £1.7bn EU Bill

David Cameron has implied he may pay a percentage of the £1.7bn bill Britain was handed at the recent meeting of the European Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister was adamant he would question how the figure was arrived at

Cameron Opens Door For Partial Payment Of £1.7bn EU Bill

Labour's Scottish Crisis Deepens As More Candidates Refuse Top Job

Labour’s problems north of the border as yet another candidate ruled himself out as a leadership contender. Acting leader Anas Sawar said he would not seek the nomination for the vacancy created when Johann Lamont resigned claiming her party “knew

Labour's Scottish Crisis Deepens As More Candidates Refuse Top Job

Tory MEP Attacks ‘Hysterical’ Conservative Eurosceptics

A former Liberal Democrat who defected to the Conservatives in order to save his seat in the European Parliament has launched an attack on Eurosceptic Tories. Sajjad Karim – who is nicknamed ‘Salvaj Karir’ pronounced ‘Salvage Career’ in honour of

Tory MEP Attacks ‘Hysterical’ Conservative Eurosceptics

Asylum Seekers Pretending to Be Gay to Cheat UK System

A third of asylum seekers who claim to be gay fail to mention their sexuality for “months or years after arrival in the UK, often following a refusal of leave on other grounds” according to a new report. The Chief

Asylum Seekers Pretending to Be Gay to Cheat UK System

Confiscating Jihadis' Passports 'Could Encourage Terrorism At Home'

The policy of confiscating the passports of radical Muslims has been called into question after it was revealed both terrorist attacks in Canada were perpetrated by people stripped of their travel documents. Martin Couture-Rouleau and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau were both prevented

Confiscating Jihadis' Passports 'Could Encourage Terrorism At Home'

20 MPs Earn More Than £100k On Top Of Parliamentary Salary

New figures have revealed that 20 MPs earn more than £100k a year on top of their House of Commons salary. The politicians have declared the outside earnings from a range of sources from legal work to writing novels, according

20 MPs Earn More Than £100k On Top Of Parliamentary Salary

Could Our Serjeant-At-Arms Protect The British Parliament?

This week most of the world has been struck by the remarkable sight of the Canadian Sergeant-At-Arms walking around in his traditional regalia with a gun, having personally fought off a terrorist attack. Although the attack was a dreadful moment

Could Our Serjeant-At-Arms Protect The British Parliament?

Taxpayers Should Pay People To Be Healthy Says NHS Boss

The Chief Executive of NHS England has said that the service should give companies money in exchange for asking their staff to lose weight and stop smoking. Simon Stevens claimed the move was vital to help plug the £8bn annual

Taxpayers Should Pay People To Be Healthy Says NHS Boss

Home Secretary Claims Too Many Ethnic Minorities Get Tasered

The Home Secretary has claimed too many ethnic minorities get tasered by British Police, and more “transparency” is needed. Theresa May has now ordered a review after it was revealed half of those who the police have used it on

Home Secretary Claims Too Many Ethnic Minorities Get Tasered

Ottawa Attack Is Canada's Fault Says Leading Muslim Journalist

Afghan-Canadian journalist Nelofer Pazira has told the Independent that yesterday’s attack in Ottawa happened because the country’s Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper “pushed Canada into joining the US-led war in the Middle East”. She claimed that the country had “become

Ottawa Attack Is Canada's Fault Says Leading Muslim Journalist

Ottawa: The Lazy Selfish Terrorist And The Patriot Who Killed Him

Yesterday’s extraordinary fire fight in the Canadian Parliament brought together two men from quite different backgrounds. On one side was 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, who raised his arms in delight having shot an unarmed solider at point blank range. The other

Ottawa: The Lazy Selfish Terrorist And The Patriot Who Killed Him

Electronic Cigarettes Banned On London Transport Network

Electronic cigarettes have been banned on the London transport network, without any consultation or even an announcement. The ban means anyone using the tobacco substitute will face a fine for vaping on trains, buses or the tube. Transport for London

Electronic Cigarettes Banned On London Transport Network

GPs Offered £55 Bonus For Each New Dementia Case Diagnosed

GPs are being offered a cash bonus for every new dementia case they diagnose under a scheme that has been branded unethical by leading doctors. The NHS will pay family doctors £55 every time they diagnose a case, in the

GPs Offered £55 Bonus For Each New Dementia Case Diagnosed

Parliament Square Closed After Left-Wing Invasion

Parliament Square has been closed to the public after a group of left-wing protesters attempted to move in and take it over. Fencing was erected today and campaigners were moved on, but the Churchill statue still has a protester on

Parliament Square Closed After Left-Wing Invasion

Tory MP: Stolen UKIP Policies Fit The PM Like An Oxfam Suit

Disquiet amongst right-wing Conservative MPs is growing thanks to David Cameron’s latest announcement on curbing EU migration. The policy, which is widely believed to be unenforceable, has caused outrage because it will be seen as a “cheap stunt” according to

Tory MP: Stolen UKIP Policies Fit The PM Like An Oxfam Suit

Bus Driver Investigated For Shouting At Kissing Gay Couple

A gay couple have spoken out about being shouted at on a London bus for kissing. Jack James, and his partner were on board the number 89 bus in South London when, according to the Evening Standard, the driver subjected

Bus Driver Investigated For Shouting At Kissing Gay Couple

Russian Lawmaker Demands Ban On Gay Stamps

Stamps depicting the homoerotic drawings of a Finnish artist should be banned from Russia according to a member of the St Petersburg Legislature. Vitaly Milonov has demanded Russia Post refuse to deliver letters with the stamps on because they are

Russian Lawmaker Demands Ban On Gay Stamps

ISIS May Use Presidential Visit To London To Behead Soldier

Police and security services are said to have upped security for tomorrow’s visit of President Tan of Singapore amidst concerns ISIS may use the visit to launch an attack. The State Visit is the first major event in London since

ISIS May Use Presidential Visit To London To Behead Soldier

LISTEN to UKIP's Appalling New Calypso Song By DJ Mike Read

DJ Mike Read has launched a pro-UKIP song on iTunes and Amazon today, but it is bad… very bad. The ‘UKIP Calypso‘ by the Independents was written and performed by Read who is a former Radio One DJ. Perhaps unsurprisingly the email to members

LISTEN to UKIP's Appalling New Calypso Song By DJ Mike Read

Conservatives Pull Ahead Of Labour in Scotland, SNP Surge

The Conservatives have pulled ahead of Labour in Scotland according to a poll by YouGov. The survey puts the Conservatives on 20 percent, Labour on 19 percent with the Liberal Democrats on 9 percent and ‘others’ including the Scottish National

Conservatives Pull Ahead Of Labour in Scotland, SNP Surge

In A Hung Parliament UKIP Should Follow The DUP's Lead

This week the Spectator ran a piece written by the former UKIP leader Lord Pearson about his attempts at a pact with the Conservatives before the last election. The piece was well timed having come after a whole raft of

In A Hung Parliament UKIP Should Follow The DUP's Lead

Parliament Debates European Referendum Bill

The House of Commons will vote today on whether to grant the British people an in/out referendum on membership of the European Union. The bill is being brought in by the Conservative Party Vice Chairman Bob Neill MP as a

Parliament Debates European Referendum Bill

British Jihadis Could Be Prosecuted For Treason

British Jihadis fighting for ISIS could be prosecuted for treason under laws that have not been used since the execution of British Nazis after World War II. The Foreign Secretary confirmed he was considering using Treason, in an answer to

British Jihadis Could Be Prosecuted For Treason

MP Demands UK Withholds Aid until Foreign Prisoners Are Deported

Tory MP Philip Hollobone has urged the government to place a limit on international aid to countries that cannot take back prisoners from the UK due to the standards of incarceration in their own country. In a Westminster debate he

MP Demands UK Withholds Aid until Foreign Prisoners Are Deported