Donald Trump Releases Plan to Make Mexico Pay for Border Wall
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump explains how he plans to force Mexico to pay for his proposed border wall in a two-page memo to The Washington Post.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump explains how he plans to force Mexico to pay for his proposed border wall in a two-page memo to The Washington Post.
Anti-Trump protesters stomped on the American flag outside of Fox News’s townhall with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump on Sunday.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump told his supporters during his morning campaign event in La Crosse, Wisconsin that Ohio Gov. John Kasich should “get the hell out” of the race.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump predicts that, as in South Carolina, an endorsement from the Wisconsin governor won’t hurt him in the primary on Tuesday.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump says he thinks he will still reach the 1,237 delegate threshold to become the Republican nominee even if he loses the GOP Wisconsin primary on Tuesday.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said he would wipe out the United States debt in just eight years.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s national spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, joined guest host Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News’s Washington Political editor, on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM to discuss the upcoming primary in Wisconsin on Tuesday.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is increasing his presence in the Badger state ahead of Tuesday’s primary, adding several campaign events for Sunday and Monday.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has launched a new radio ad in Wisconsin ahead of the Badger State primary on April 5th, next Tuesday, even as many of the conservative radio voices in Wisconsin are criticizing him.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s advocacy group has released a new video attacking GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on immigration-related issues.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who’s endorsed Donald Trump, is in Wisconsin campaigning for the GOP frontrunner.
Prior to becoming GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s national spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson, made guest appearances on WE TV’s new show “Sisters in Law” where she was ejected from an event because of her political affiliation.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed retired Col. Rob Maness for United States Senate on Thursday. “Louisiana gets to send a worthy fighter – a true outsider – a champion for the red, white and blue – to fight for
The Republican National Convention (RNC) launched in order to prepare the public for what to expect at a contested national convention. The website outlines party rules for delegates and the process that occurs if no GOP candidate reaches the threshold of
Donald Trump confirmed the meeting with Reince Priebus on his Twitter account Thursday afternoon.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump named Congressmen Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins as co-chairmen of his U.S. House Leadership Committee to serve as liaisons and lead outreach efforts to other representatives in Congress.
The Washington Post opinion writer Greg Sargent calls GOP frontrunner Donald Trump a “nightmare nominee,” arguing that “not even white men” like Trump.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump issued a press release regarding abortion on Wednesday afternoon. Trump stated in a campaign press release: If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted
Dr. Ben Carson and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who both endorsed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, defended the real estate mogul’s comments on abortion, which made news on Wednesday when Trump initially said women should face some form of punishment for having an illegal abortion.
Andrew Marcus, the writer and director of Hating Breitbart, posted on Twitter that an anti-Trump protester punched a Donald Trump supporter Tuesday evening.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump tells a young audience at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin about success.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said the top three functions of the United States government are security, healthcare, and education. During CNN’s town hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Tuesday night, an audience member asked Trump, “What are the top three functions
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump held a town hall at the Holiday Inn Express and Janesville Conference Center in Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin on Tuesday evening. Trump knocked Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who endorsed Sen.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is opening a Washington, D.C. office.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker endorses Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
Women’s rights activists agree with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s senior advisor Stephen Miller that female genital mutilation (FGM) must be highlighted in order to draw awareness of the violence, which isn’t happening merely in Muslim countries, but also on U.S. soil.
Dozens of protesters, opposing GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s planned campaign rally in Janesville, Wisconsin on Tuesday, entered a Holiday Inn Express in Janesville on Monday evening to protest Trump’s visit. Several protesters entered the hotel, but they eventually went back outside.
Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who faces a challenger in his upcoming election, said he is open to joining GOP frontrunner Donald Trump on the campaign trail.
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump suggested at least two times during his interview on ABC’s This Week that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) bought the rights to the partially nude G.Q. photo of Melania Trump that appeared in an ad, which started
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump defeated rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in Louisiana primary, but Cruz may end up taking several more delegates out of that state, according to a recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report.
It may happen that neither GOP frontrunner Donald Trump nor rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) reach the 1,237 delegate threshold needed to obtain the nomination before the GOP Convention. But according to plans out of at least two different states, Cruz could likely clinch the nomination on the second vote at the convention through favorable delegate selections.
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) says GOP frontrunner Donald Trump doesn’t deserve “even one woman’s vote” after he targeted rival Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) wife, Heidi.
The Club for Growth, which has long opposed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and recently endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), is planning to run an anti-Trump television ad in Wisconsin ahead of the state’s primary on April 5.
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly is sharing her opinion on the recent retweet from GOP frontrunner Donald Trump of a picture of Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump side-by-side.
Prominent Republicans say they’re open to supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton to keep GOP frontrunner Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States.
Russian state TV, which is closely aligned with the Kremlin, reports Moscow favors Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election “as the best candidate by a mile,” according to Reuters.
Although GOP frontrunner Donald Trump inched out Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Missouri GOP primary last week, the election results have yet to be certified. An official from the Missouri Secretary of State’s office told Breitbart News that under state
2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney took a swipe at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump during a GOP dinner on Tuesday night, mocking him for his foreign-born wives.
Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) says in American politics today, it’s easy to be “disheartened.”
Federal and local officials are gearing up to provide security for the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer, with roughly 50,000 attendees expected at the event.