Alex Swoyer

Alex Swoyer - Page 25

Articles by Alex Swoyer

Donald Trump: Drop Out Lyin’ Ted

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to urge Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to drop out. They’ve been “mathematically eliminated” from the primary race, he said, citing their inability to win enough delegates

AP Photo/Mike Groll

Donald Trump Won Hispanic Vote in New York City

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump won more than 50 percent of the Hispanic vote in New York City, according to exit polls. Analysis of the New York Times‘ vote tracker shows Trump won 61 percent in areas with at least a


Donald Trump: Must ‘Do a Good Job on Tuesday’ to Keep Movement Going

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump told his crowd of supporters packed into the Nicholas J. Pirro Convention Center in Syracuse, New York, on Saturday afternoon that the only way to stop his supporters and their movement is if he does not win the New York GOP primary on Tuesday.


Donald Trump’s Campaign Meets with Members of Congress

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign staff met with several congressmen on Capitol Hill on Thursday. Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) told Fox News host Gretchen Carlson that the meeting “was the Trump campaign transitioning to the next phase.” He added that


Fox News Comments on Megyn Kelly Meeting with Donald Trump

Fox News’s Megyn Kelly, who was seen entering Trump Tower Wednesday morning, reportedly requested a meeting with the GOP frontrunner Donald Trump prior to a special broadcast with him airing on May 23rd. The substance of the meeting is to

The Associated Press