Adam Shaw

Adam Shaw

Articles by Adam Shaw

Hillary Clinton’s Five Worst Moments of 2017

Hillary Clinton had a rough 2016 losing a presidential election she was widely expected to win. But her 2017 was not much better. Here are Hillary’s five worst moments of 2017.

DENVER, CO - NOVEMBER 16: Hilary Clinton addresses the audience about her new book 'What H

Where Are They Now? Seven Members of Hillary Clinton’s Camp One Year Later

It has been just over a year since the Hillary Clinton camp, so confident that it would steamroll into the White House, was, instead, crushed by then-candidate Donald Trump. Reading about the Clinton team’s various exploits during the last year, one may be thankful that she is not running the country.


U.S. Wins Unanimous Support for U.N. Resolution on North Korea Sanctions

The United Nations Security Council Friday imposed fresh sanctions on North Korea in a unanimous 15-0 vote on a U.S.-drafted resolution – complicating the narrative that the U.S. has isolated itself over its decision to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

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