Aaron Klein

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Articles by Aaron Klein

Revealed: Fusion GPS Closely Tied to Russian Lobbyist at Trump Jr. Meeting

NEW YORK — Email transcripts and other information disclosed in testimony released by the Senate Judiciary Committee reveals a significant relationship between Russian-born Washington lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin and the controversial Fusion GPS firm that produced the infamous, largely discredited anti-Trump dossier.


Three Major Ways John Brennan Fueled the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

TEL AVIV — President Trump has taken to twitter to share quotes strongly criticizing Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan for undermining faith in the U.S. intelligence community and for Brennan’s alleged role in fueling the anti-Trump dossier that spread unsubstantiated, conspiratorial claims of collusion with Russia.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 07: U.S. President Barack Obama (L) speaks as Deputy National Sec

Klein – Israel Faces Most Challenging Days Since 1967 Six Day War

TEL AVIV — The next few days may well be the most challenging and fateful period that Israel’s security establishment has contended with for decades. Not since the Six Day War or the Yom Kippur War has the Jewish state been confronted with such direct threats on its borders.

Israeli Merkava tanks roll near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip as they retur

Klein: Iran Is Entirely to Blame for Open War with Israel

TEL AVIV — The ongoing proxy war that Iran has been waging on Israel for years exploded into open, direct confrontation last night when Iranian forces reportedly fired a volley of about 20 rockets aimed at IDF positions in the Golan Heights.

Iranian women hold anti-Israeli placards at a protest after Friday prayer service in Tehra

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel

TEL AVIV — Iranian forces operating from Syria fired about 20 rockets at Israeli army positions in the Golan Heights, the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday night.

The Iron Dome defense system fires to interecpt incoming missiles from Gaza in the port to

Soros-Financed Group Warns Trump of ‘Consequences’ for Bolting Iran Deal

TEL AVIV — A George Soros-financed organization that was previously identified by the Obama White House as central in helping to market the Iran nuclear deal to the news media has warned Donald Trump that he will “own the consequences” of bolting the international nuclear accord.

George Soros

Watch: Netanyahu – 100,000 Secret Files Prove Iran ‘Lied Big Time’ About Nukes

TEL AVIV — In a dramatic press conference here aimed at the international community, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday unveiled a cache of secret files he says were obtained from inside a hidden Iranian site and clearly demonstrate that Tehran maintained a secret nuclear weapons program despite declarations to the contrary.