ISIS: Secretary of State John Kerry Is An 'Old Uncircumcised Geezer'

ISIS: Secretary of State John Kerry Is An 'Old Uncircumcised Geezer'

In the latest audio message released by ISIS, the terror group’s spokesman calls Secretary of State John Kerry an “old uncircumcised geezer.”

Spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani also refers to President Obama as “the mule of the Jews.”

According to Mail Online, al-Adnani then “asks Muslims to do whatever they can to kill those who do not share their faith.” 

Al-Adnani says:

If you can kill a disbelieving American or European–especially the spiteful and filthy French–or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State…kill him in any manner or way however it may be.

The audio comes after President Obama announced the United States is going to fight against ISIS with tactics similar to those we have used for years against Al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen and Somalia. The limited war approach will include targeted airstrikes but no boots on the ground. 

The New York Times reported that US airstrikes will be part of a “global coalition” which intends to “downgrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS. 

After the coalition against ISIS was announced, Secretary Kerry told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that ISIS was “not a state” and “did not represent Islam.” Mail Online reports that ISIS spokesman al-Adnani responded by mocking Kerry:

The uncircumcised old geezer, suddenly became an Islamic jurist, issuing a verdict to the people that the Islamic State was distorting Islam, that what it was doing was against Islamic teachings, and that the Islamic State was an enemy of Islam.

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