MSNBC Cuts Off Obama's Climate Change Speech After 41 Seconds

MSNBC Cuts Off Obama's Climate Change Speech After 41 Seconds

After 15 years of no increase in global temperatures — which decimates a huge majority of Climate Change models — our anti-science president took to the stump today for what was promised as a major speech on what he was going to do by executive fiat to save the world. Of all three cable news networks, though, it was his own peanut gallery at MSNBC who bailed first, broadcasting only 41 seconds of the speech.

Fox News gave the president nearly five minutes. CNN covered the event for about eight minutes.

The Weather Channel was there for the full 49 minutes.

Between NSA leaker Edward Snowden, today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Voting Rights Act, and the ongoing George Zimmerman trial, President Obama can’t even get a minute’s worth of love from his PR firm over at NBC News.

Well, at least Obama hasn’t lost the Flat Earth Society, even though he mocked those who disagree with him as “flat earthers” in today’s speech. 


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