HuffPo: 'Howie Kurtz Should Be Ashamed of Himself'

HuffPo: 'Howie Kurtz Should Be Ashamed of Himself'

A little of what Hot Air’s Allahpundit might describe as Blue on Blue violence.

Apparently, HuffPo’s Vicky Ward was negotiating for a “Vanity Fair” interview with Jill Kelley, one of the women swooped up in the Petraeus scandal. She refused to do it, though, when Kelley demanded a cover story and a “favorable interview.” Next thing Wark knows, the Daily Beast’s Howard Kurtz publishes what she describes as a “favorable” Kelley interview.

“This woman is just impossible,” he said with a sigh. “She wants the promise of a cover and an assurance that the interview will be favorable.”

I laughed.

“Kevin,” I said “We both know that anyone who promises that is either low-rent or lying.”

He agreed — and we left it at that.

Until today, I saw, to my astonishment, that Jill Kelley appeared to have got her conditions — not in People magazine (she had told Kalwary that’s where she was headed), or the National Enquirer or Us Weekly — but The Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast??

And what’s more the “journalist” who penned the simpering interview that was mind-boggling in one aspect only — its lack of finding any real answers from the interviewee — is Howie Kurtz. Howie Kurtz?

Kurtz disputes Wark’s charge:

There were absolutely no conditions for my interview with Jill Kelley. And I don’t agree that the piece was favorable — it was an opportunity for a woman who has been thrust into the vortex of a scandal to tell her side for the first time.

Wark doesn’t believe him.



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