Dems to Fund Tea Party Candidates Against McConnell to Help Judd

Dems to Fund Tea Party Candidates Against McConnell to Help Judd

Intent on splitting the Republican Party – exploiting seams on illegal immigration and gun control, to start – Democratic leaders have hit upon a new strategy to destroy any semblance of Republican coherence: backing Tea Party candidates they believe will fail, and in the process, weakening whoever wins the Republican primary in a general election. It’s a Machiavellian maneuver meant to sow the seeds of discord.

First on their hit list: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has long been under fire for his handling of issues including the fiscal cliff. Democrats want to hurt him in the primary to clear the path for a possible Senator Ashley Judd (D-Scotland).

According to Politico:

Big Democratic donors, local liberal activists and a left-leaning super PAC in Kentucky are telling tea partiers that they are poised to throw financial and organizational support behind a right-wing candidate should one try to defeat the powerful GOP leader in a 2014 primary fight. The idea: Soften up McConnell and make him vulnerable in a general election in Kentucky.

It’s not just Politico. According to John Kemper III, spokesperson for the United Tea Party of Kentucky, “I have talked to some Democratic donors in the state who are concerned about McConnell staying in office.” Daniel Logsdon of the Kentucky Democratic Party adds, “Democrats would explore ‘all avenues’ to defeat McConnell … tea party challenge … something that helps.”

Herman Cain has this one pegged exactly right: “Whoever these Tea Party activists are, if you are listening to the sound of my voice–don’t be fooled!  Of course they want to help get rid of Mitch McConnell. And whoever unseats him in the primary they will proceed to destroy them so that Democrats can get in office.  Don you see the picture? And remember, I know something about how people can politically try to destroy you. I’ve been to that rodeo.”

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the book “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).


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