BOOMTOWN: Washington D.C. Fine Wine Capital of United States

BOOMTOWN: Washington D.C. Fine Wine Capital of United States

Washington, D.C. consumes more gallons of wine per capita than any state in the nation. 

Per capita consumption in gallons

• District of Columbia (6.6)
• New Hampshire (4.8)
• Massachusetts (4.1)
• Vermont (4.1)
• Nevada (3.8)
• Connecticut (3.6)
• Delaware (3.6)
• New Jersey (3.6)
• Rhode Island (3.4)
• California (3.4)
• Hawaii (3.4)

The Daily Sip wine blog, which calculated the rankings using government and wine industry data, says income “appears to be the best predictor for wine consumption.” Indeed, the three richest median income counties in America border Washington, D.C. The Daily Sip hypothesizes that the reason the District of Columbia is so far ahead of the pack may be due to foreign embassies in the District.

Washington, D.C.’s wine consumption rates were discussed in the Sean Hannity “Boomtown” one-hour investigative special Friday night, featuring Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Co-Founder Peter Schweizer and Breitbart News Executive Chairman and GAI Co-Founder Stephen K. Bannon. The bipartisan exposé blasted Washington’s “permanent political class” for leveraging crony connections to siphon taxpayer dollars to fund their lavish lifestyles. 

“Nobody has ever turned a camera on them,” said Bannon. “This is a permanent political class that has now formed an aristocracy. That’s why nothing has changed in Washington.”

“America’s previous boomtowns became wealthy because they produced something,” said Schweizer. “This boomtown, its wealth comes from extracting it from the rest of the country.”


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