Hollywood Pushes Gun Control with #WearOrange Campaign


On June 2, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety holds a gun control day they refer to as National Gun Violence Awareness Day. It is a day on which Hollywood actors, actresses, directors and other celebrities find a suitable background that they can stand against and take a selfie in an orange shirt.

After all, Everytown’s gun control theme for the day is #WearOrange.

The actors, actresses, and other celebrities do not espouse any particular way to prevent or control gun crime, but many of them do share the exaggerated claim that “93 Americans are killed” by “gun violence” each day.

Longtime gun control proponents Julianne Moore and Amy Schumer each tweeted the “93 victims” claim:

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton made similar claims — Clinton claimed 90 people killed a day — for a total of “33,000 people a year.”

Breitbart News has repeatedly pointed out that this figure actually swells the number of people killed via “gun violence” by 66 percent. In reality, the number of people killed via actual “gun violence” ranges from about 10,500 to 12,000 a year. Clinton swelled that number by adding in firearm-related suicides, which number roughly 20,000 to 22,000 per year. Everytown, Moore, and Schumer have done the same thing to swell their figures.

Of course, there were many celebrities who did not bother trying to quantify “gun violence.” Rather, they simply took a selfie to show that they voiced opposition to it and demanded that it be stopped. They did not put forth any plans for stopping gun crime in the Democrat-controlled cities where it thrives — cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Houston, St. Louis, Milwaukee, New Orleans, and Seattle — but they did post photos of themselves:

Comedian Jim Gaffigan joined in the gun control action while making fun of President Trump. Gaffigan tweeted:

Lin-Manuel Miranda tweeted support for the gun control day as well,  and asked gun control supporters to go to WearOrange.org to learn more.

The Wear Orange website says:

Gun violence kills more than 90 Americans a day and injures hundreds more. That’s why this June 2nd on National Gun Violence Awareness Day, Americans across the country will Wear Orange—a color that demands to be seen—to send the powerful message that there is more we can do to end gun violence.

The “powerful message” omits any powerful plan for dealing with the problem Hollywood claims is plaguing America.


AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.


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