Gun Controllers Who Embarrassed Themselves Pushing Gun Laws After OSU Car, Knife Attack

Police respond to reports of an active shooter on campus at Ohio State University, Monday,
AP Photo/John Minchillo

As news of the November 28 Ohio State University attack unfolded, a number of groups and individuals seized on the incident as another “shooting” and used it as an opportunity to call for more gun control.

Some of the groups also pushed for gun control a day later, after it was clear no guns had been involved, while others, like Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts, turned to vitriol to defend calls for gun control in the wake of the knife attack.

The NRA-ILA published many of the gun control quotes, showing various groups and pro-gun control individuals virtually tripping over themselves to get out their message for more gun laws.

For example, on November 28, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence tweeted, “Another school, another community. #Gunviolence in America doesn’t take a break.”

Former Democrat vice presidential candidate and current Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) tweeted, “Deeply saddened by the senseless act of gun violence at Ohio State this morning. Praying for the injured and the entire Buckeye community.”

Representative Donna F. Edwards (D-Md.) tweeted, “Enough is enough. Another #MassShooting, this time at Ohio State. This can’t become OUR normal. We must work to #EndGunViolence! #Gunsense?”

Actor George Takei tweeted, “Tired of the shootings, and the complicity of the NRA? Join us to help fight.”

Additionally, Shannon Watts tweeted, “Other nations protect their students. America gives dangerous people guns and asks students to defend themselves. God help us.” When Twitter users called out Watts for seizing on a knife attack to push gun control, she responded by diminishing the danger of knife attacks versus firearm-based attacks, as Breitbart News reported:

Watts was even less apologetic in another tweet, in which she wrote, “After Sandy Hook, I’ll never be quiet again. I’ll scream bloody murder because that’s what’s happening to 100k shot annually in the US.”

The next day, news reports were ubiquitous about how Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove a car into pedestrians on the OSU campus, then exited the vehicle and began slashing unarmed students with a butcher knife. Even in the face of these reports, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence issued a tweet urging Ohioans to continue fighting any change in law that would allow students with concealed carry permits to be armed on campus for self-defense.

The Brady Campaign tweeted:

House Bill 48, which the Brady Campaign opposes, would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry on campus for self defense if so doing “is pursuant to a written policy, rule or other authorization that is adopted by the institution’s board of trustees or other governing body.”

The irony with all these gun control pushes is that the one thing that could have cut the OSU attack short was a gun in the hands of a concealed carry permit holder. Minus the presence of a gun, the man with the knife faced no opposition and forced shocked, unarmed students to flee for their lives in fear.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of “Bullets with AWR Hawkins,” a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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