President Joe Biden has welcomed roughly 10 million economic migrants into Americans’ jobs and communities — yet is now declaring dismay at just one migrant from 1995, South African-born Elon Musk.

“He’s handing out a speeding ticket at the Indy 500,” responded Kevin Lynn, the founder of U.S. Tech Workers, which opposes migration into the white-collar jobs sought by U.S. graduates.

[Biden and his supporters] are just the ultimate hypocrites. They’ve admitted millions of inadmissible migrants and given them work authorization documents.  They injected over 20,000 Haitians into Springfield, Ohio — which has a population of 58,000 — and totally upended the demographics and the culture.

On Saturday, Biden complained about Musk allying with Donald Trump to denounce illegal migration — as if Musk must be loyal to other migrants instead of Americans,

Biden cited a Washington Post article that spotlighted the widely recognized statements that South African-born Musk illegally worked before getting a work permit. Biden said:

The wealthiest man in the world is now [Donald Trump’s] ally, right? Well, that wealthiest man in the world turned out to be an illegal worker here. No, I’m serious, he was supposed to be in school when he came on a student visa [in 1995]. He wasn’t in school. He was violating the law and he’s talking about “All those illegals coming our way!”

The Democrats’ disagreement with Musk is based on his support for Trump  — even though Musk supports massive migration.

“These folks don’t really care about immigration fraud,” Lynn’s US Tech Workers said on X:

They just have an axe to grind with @elonmusk because of his political beliefs. There are tens of thousands of international students from India and China that commit this kind of student visa scam every year. In fact, the Biden administration encourages those who lose their work visa status due to layoffs to seek student visas for the sole purpose of staying in the U.S. to procure a work permit and not an education.

Late Sunday night, Musk denied that he worked illegally: “I was on a J-1 visa that transitioned to an H1-B. They know this, as they have all my records. Losing the election is making them desperate.”

The Post article misled readers about Musk’s views on migration In fact, it suggested that Musk dislikes migrants:

On X, Musk has become an avid booster of anti-immigrant rhetoric, falsely accusing Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democrats of “importing voters.” Undocumented immigrants are legally barred from voting in state and federal elections. In February, he wrote that “illegals in America can get … insurance, driver’s licenses.”

Amid progressives’ claimed outrage, Musk is an avid supporter of mass migration into Americans’ workplaces and housing.

“It is easier to get into this country as a murderer than as a Nobel Laureate,” Musk told an October 27 audience in Lancaster, Pa.:

That’s not an exaggeration …. [But] if you have the opportunity to say, have like LeBron James or Steph Curry on your team, you’re like, yeah, that would make total sense. Our team is going to win! They’ll make the whole team better, you know.

So we need to have things be what they should, which is that legal immigration of honest, hard-working, talented people is quick and easy, and coming into the country illegally is hard. That’s how it should be.

Musk does not offer any numerical limits on the number of “honest, hard-working, talented people” that would compete against older, unhealthy, alienated, or slower Americans for needed jobs.

Musk’s depiction of immigration policy as sports recruitment ensures a bad policy, responded Lynn. “When you’re the captain of your football team, the coach of the football team, you’re not going to sit there and say, ‘Wow, [we can’t win because] we don’t have enough talent … you’re going to train your talent ‘” said Lynn.

Everyone, including the players in a team, loses when a coach imports ringers to win his games, Lynn said:

The ringer who comes in may or may not remain in your school district. The community is weaker. The team is weaker, the school is weaker. What does it say if the coach is incapable of developing the talent that they have?

The first test when deciding to admit migrants should be to ensure “no harm to Americans,” Lynn said:

The next test is “Who can best complement the American labor force?” And then the third test is to look at each individual and closely scrutinize their work experience and their credentials.

Overall, he said, “The labor market should always be tight because corporations should always be pressured to invest in domestic productivity, whether it is labor [training] or making capital investments in machinery — that way the nation benefits and the citizens benefit.”

Musk’s welcome for “honest, hard-working, talented people” is far too broad, Lynn said, adding “I bet you that half of the [10.5 million migrants admitted by Biden] are prepared to be hard-working — but that does not benefit the U.S. labor force.”

“Canada is following his advice,” Lynn said, but the result is a flood of unskilled migrants, impoverished Canadians, reduced productivity, spiked housing costs, and the likely defeat of the Prime Minister in a 2025 election.

Sen. JD Vance offered a broader criticism of the establishment economic policy in his weekend interview with video host Tim Dillon:

[Globalization] has been very good for rich people in rich countries, and it’s been very good for poor people in poor countries. It has been extraordinarily bad for poor people and middle-class people in rich countries.

In some ways, the whole Donald Trump movement has been against [globalization]. Some people have benefited from this, like some people benefited when the steel mill that employed my grandfather for 40 years — [shrank] from 10,000 jobs to 1,800 jobs. It wasn’t the people that I grew up, and it wasn’t our families, and it wasn’t the moms and dads who got divorced because [they] lost a stable middle-class wage.

Republicans are supposed to be the party of family and of family values. But [massive job loss] is bad for family values when thousand of people at the drop of a hat lose a good middle-class wage, right?  That’s not good for family values. That destroys families. And again, we can do so much better but we’ve got to get away from this failed [globalization] consensus from the last 40 years.

He continued:

For 40 years, Republicans and Democrats [in the establishment] have fundamentally agreed …. on immigration, trade, and foreign policy. [But] the American people have consistently been out of step with their leadership, and the [leaders] keep on not actually having an alternative.

Who has been the candidate saying] free trade is not good for the American middle class? Who’s been the candidate [saying] we’ve got to check our immigration system? Who’s been the candidate of stopping the stupid wars? Basically, in 40 years, [no-one] with the lone exception of my running mate, Donald J Trump?

Regardless of what is best for American employees, said Lynn, “I expect [Musk] will do whatever he feels is good for his particular corporate interests.”