WATCH — ‘I’m Casting My Ballot for Donald Trump’: 22-Year-Old Former DNC Delegate Switches to Republican Party

Republican presidential nominee, former U.S. President Donald Trump takes the stage during
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

A 22-year-old former Democrat National Convention (DNC) delegate has announced she is calling it quits with the Democrat party.

Audrey McNeal, who was a DNC delegate in 2020 and 2024, made the announcement Friday in a video she posted on social media, the Daily Caller reported Sunday. In the clip, McNeal said she is planning to vote for former President Donald Trump (R) and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) on Election Day, which is November 5.

“In 2020, I was elected at 18 to become one of the youngest delegates to the Democratic National Convention on behalf of my district. And in 2024, I was elected again to return to the DNC as a delegate. But this year, I’m casting my ballot for Donald Trump,” she told viewers:

McNeal continued:

You see, after I was elected in March which was before Joe Biden’s debate, I wanted to go to the DNC because I wanted answers on free speech issues, the border, and the economy. However, reflecting on my time at the DNC I realized it was no longer the party of free speech and civil liberties it used to be. In fact, Patrick Henry once said, ‘The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.’ And for the rulers of the Democratic Party elite to install Kamala Harris as the presidential nominee via stripping the vote of 14 million Americans including their own delegates such as myself, well that was a decision and a transaction that was concealed. And now I’m happy to say that I’m officially joining the Republican Party as a constitutional conservative.

It is interesting to note that recent Gallup polling showed more Americans either identify as Republicans or are more in line with the GOP than Democrats, Breitbart News reported.

In addition, former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (I-HI) recently announced she is joining the Republican Party during a Trump rally in Greensboro, North Carolina.

The Breitbart News report continued:

“It is because of my love for our country and specifically because of the leadership that President Trump has brought to transform the Republican Party and bring it back to the party of the people and the party of peace, that I’m proud to stand here with you today President Trump and announce that I’m joining the Republican Party,” Tulsi told the crowd. “I’m joining the party of the people, the party of equality, the party that was founded to fight against and end slavery in this country. It is the party of common sense and the party that is led by a president who has the courage and strength to fight for peace.”

Regarding McNeal’s announcement, her reference to Henry is important because he was one of America’s Founding Fathers. He is also described as a patriot, orator, governor, husband, father, grandfather, and friend, according to the website about his home known as Red Hill.

“He is best remembered for his speech given at St. John’s Church in 1775, in which he cried ‘give me liberty or give me death!’ to the charged crowd, urging them to Revolution,” the site noted.

“But he is also the man who fought for and won the Bill of Rights, which preserved individual liberties in the fledgling nation, and still does today. He was a five-term governor of Virginia, as well as its first governor,” it continued.

According to George Washington’s Mount Vernon website, “Patrick Henry was one of the bright lights of the United States’ revolutionary generation.”


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