Former President Donald Trump announced Sunday his support for a tax credit for family members who care for an ill parent or loved one.

Trump unveiled his policy proposal at his historic rally at a sold-out Madison Square Garden.

“I’m announcing a new policy today that I will support a tax credit for family caregivers who take care of a parent or a loved one. It’s about time that they were recognized, right?” Trump said, drawing a roar of cheers from the crowd.

“They add so much to our country and are never spoken of — ever, ever, ever — but they’re going to be spoken of now. Thank you all very much,” he added.

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak proposed a similar policy in his book The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days, which would enable grandparents to claim their grandchildren, for whom they regularly care, as dependents: 

5. Encourage multigenerational families by expanding the definition of “dependents” for tax purposes. President Trump can direct the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service to expand the definition of “depen- dents” to allow grandparents to include grandchildren to whom they provide regular care. This can provide an incentive for multigenerational families to share in the tasks of raising children—and to be rewarded when they do so, lowering child care costs.

Trump announced a second proposal Sunday to make auto loan interest tax deductible on American-made cars.

“I’ll also make interest on car loans fully tax deductible, but only for cars made in America,” he said, which also received boisterous cheers.

The 45th president is running on a number of tax policy proposals this cycle, including ending taxes on tips and overtime and halting taxes on social security benefits for seniors.

Moreover, Trump pledges to “massively cut taxes for workers and small businesses.”