The progressive, UK-based Economist magazine asserted this week that Kamala Harris enjoys “overwhelming” support from LGBT voters, and if she wins the election, “she could have the gays to thank.”

The Economist has been stumping for Harris non-stop, rending its garments over the “Trumpification” of American policy, and repeating to voters its claim that, thanks to Biden and Harris, the U.S. economy “is bigger and better than ever.”

In its latest issue, the magazine gushes over LGBTQ+ support for the Harris-Walz ticket, contending that gay voters are “smitten” with Kamala Harris, while disparaging her opponents in the Republican Party as “either not interested in, or hostile to, wooing voters from the growing bloc.”

In its political analysis, the once prestigious Economist states that “being gay or lesbian had the third-largest effect on a voter’s support for Ms Harris,” and that only being black or an atheist had a more pronounced effect.

The Democrats have a “historical connection to queer activism,” it asserts, and Harris’s entry into the election further “galvanised this group.”

“In YouGov’s data, it was gay voters who delivered Ms Harris’s polling surge over the summer,” it declares, with a 61-point lead among gays.

In her personality, Harris exhibits artifice, theatricality, playfulness, and exaggeration, “in a word, Ms Harris is a trifle camp,” the article affirms glowingly, and thus she naturally appeals to gays.

Trump, on the other hand, “has not challenged some other Republicans’ homophobia nor made any substantive appeal” to gay voters, the magazine laments, and he “trumpets a conservative line in the trans debate,” with his opposition to biological males competing in women’s sports.