Dearborn Islamic Leader: Trump Closer to Bible, Torah, Quran than Kamala

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally a
AP Photo/Alex Brandon

An Islamic leader from Dearborn, Michigan, said Monday that former President Donald Trump aligns closer with the Bible, Torah, and Quran than Vice President Kamala Harris does.

Imam Husham Al-Husainy of Karbalaa Islamic Center in Dearborn shared his perspective during a Michigan Republican Party press call, along with other Arab leaders, including Hamtramck Mayor Ameer Ghalib (D) and Dearborn Heights Mayor Bill Bazzi.

“So the reason I lean towards Mr. Trump because I found him closer to the Bible, and Torah, and the Quran because I support peace, no war,” Al-Husainy said. “We should stop the war, whether in Europe or in Middle East. And I believe in justice evenly between all the children of Ibrahim [Abraham].”

“And I thirdly believe in the morality, which is the holy logic in the Bible, and the Torah, and the Quran, where God supports normality and respect; appreciates the marriage between male and female. So this is why I believe that we need a special president, special leader,” he added.

Al-Husainy, who hails from Iraq and has lived in America for the last 50 years, stressed he is not a Democrat or Republican but a clergyman who advocates for religious morality. He said his desire for an end to the war in the Middle East, and a desire for a strong leader, factor into his decision to support Trump.

“I’ve been here in 50 years, and I believe I owe this society a lot,” he said. “So I’m not a politician; I’m a clergyman. As a matter of fact, I’m not Republican, neither Democrat, but I support morality, I support peace, and I know that I owe this society that I lived 50 years in. I have five children, American-born. I have ten grandchildren, and I feel I owe this society a lot. That’s why I jumped in and got involved in this campaign.”

“I support, like I said, ease and stop the war, and I think we need a clear, strong leader. And I believe closer to the Bible, and to the Quran, and to the Torah is Mr. Trump, so that’s why I got involved,” Al-Husainy added. “This is the strongest country in the world, and it deserves to have a strong leader where he can bring peace in this world.”

During a question-and-answer portion of the press call, Breitbart News asked if Muslim and Arab-American voters in Wayne County could be the most influential voting bloc in the country during this election with their power to swing Michigan.

Notably, the “Uncommitted” movement, which protested the Biden-Harris adminsitration of the Israel-Hamas war with more than 100,000 uncommitted votes in the Democratic Party, was very prevalent in Wayne County.

Ghalib, who endorsed Trump in September, told Breitbart News and reporters in response that he expects the realignment to impact not only this election but also future ones. He emphasizes that Mulsim communities in Wayne County are starting to see they have much more in common with the Republican Party on an ethical and moral level than the Democratic Party.

“Yes, there would be a significant impact on the outcomes of the election and on the future as well, ” he said. “The community realized that, you know, we align more on social issues and morals and, you know, family structure, faith with the Republicans.”

He also spoke about the major cultural shift around Trump and Republicans that has taken place since even four years ago.

“It was 2020 when someone left the polling location and was talking that he voted for Trump, and everybody was looking at him like they wanted to beat him up because nobody here used to vote for a Republican, and if there was some … it would be secret, and, no, they would not announce it,” he explained. “I’m talking about among the Arab-American and Muslim community and even other communities as well.”

“So this time it’s different,” Ghalib added. “I said it. We broke that wall of fear. And now, yes, I’m under fire from, you know, radical Democrats, but the community now is very supportive of me.”

He emphasized that this trend is not confined to Hamtramck but is also unfolding in other key Muslim-dense communities in Wayne County, like Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Detroit, and others.

“I was surprised to see tremendous support … from the communities in these cities. If there was a rally here in Hamtramck and not just a small event for President Trump, there would be thousands and thousands of people here in Hamtramck, which is unusual,” he said.


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