Kamala Harris Faces Corporate Media Backlash for Avoiding Her Record

Vice President Kamala Harris during a campaign event at the Philip Chosky Theatre in Pitts
Rebecca Droke/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The corporate media raised concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris’s repeated attempts to avoid her record during an economic speech and MSNBC interview Wednesday.

Harris’s attempts to weave and dodge suggests her record is a political liability. President Joe Biden stated Wednesday that he delegated “everything” as commander in chief to Harris, including foreign policy and domestic policy.

Media elites mocked Harris, who has been in power for 3.5 years, for campaigning on a “new way forward,” avoiding simple questions, and failing to provide solutions to the Biden-Harris economy.

“For those of us who have been waiting for more specifics of what does that childcare policy look like? What is it that she’s calling for? We’re not getting that at this point in the campaign,” an ABC News reporter Elizabeth Schulze said on air, following Harris’s speech in Pittsburgh.

“As she is putting forward a ‘new way forward,’ she is currently in office,” Real Clear Politics White House reporter Philip Wegmann said told Fox News. “She currently has access to the levers of power.”

Harris faces a conundrum: She cannot campaign on policies to fix crime, inflation, and border security without undermining the Biden-Harris administration’s policies, but she must tout the administration’s policies to validate her record and candidacy.

“The problem that we’re encountering with all of these is we’re getting a vision of her economic agenda, of her policy agenda, we’re not getting specifics. Which may be a gamble that works,” San Francisco Chronicle’s Washington correspondent Shira Stein told CNN.

WATCH — MSNBC’s Ruhle: Harris “Didn’t Want to Get Deep on” Her Tariff Plan When I Interviewed Her:

A near-majority (48 percent) of Americans believe Harris just says what she thinks people want to hear, an Economist/YouGov poll found, while only 36 percent think that Harris says what she believes.

MSNBC’s Trump-hater Stephanie Ruhle, who interviewed Harris, admitted after the interview that the vice president does not answer questions. Going into the interview, Ruhle defended Harris’s vague answers, dodges, and flip-flops on Bill Maher’s show, citing voters’ knowledge of former President Donald Trump’s “answer to everything.”

“We have two choices, and so there are some things you might not know her answer to,” Ruhle said last week. “And in 2024 unlike 2016, for a lot of the American people, we know exactly what Trump will do, who he is, and the kind of threat he is to democracy.”

Since joining the race in July, Harris has allegedly changed her view, outright flip-flopped, or has an unknown position in 12 areas:

  1. Decriminalizing prostitution (Refuses to say if she still supports)
  2. Death penalty (Refuses to say if she still opposes)
  3. Amnesty for so-called “Dreamers” (Refuses to say if she still supports)
  4. Banning plastic straws (Flip-flopped)
  5. mandate for only producing electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035 (Unknown)
  6. Banning fracking (Flip-flopped)
  7. Gun confiscation through a buyback program (Allegedly no longer supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  8. Decriminalizing illegally crossing the southern border (Allegedly no longer supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  9. Reparations (Unknown)
  10. Building a border wall (Formerly opposed, now allegedly supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  11. A federal jobs guarantee (Allegedly no longer supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  12. Medicare for All (Flip-flopped)

More on Harris’s flip-flops are here.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former RNC War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.


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