Kamala Harris Fails to Explain if She Still Supports Decriminalizing Prostitution

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during her meeting with Nigeria's Vice President Yemi
Susan Walsh/AP

The Harris campaign failed to explain on Tuesday if Vice President Kamala Harris still supports decriminalizing prostitution.

The campaign’s failure to explain the position when questioned by Axios’s Alex Thompson underscores its attempt to appease Harris’s radical-left base while appealing to independent voters. Critics of Harris say she will do or say whatever is needed to get elected. 

“Sex work ought to be decriminalized,” Harris told the Root in 2019. “When you’re talking about consenting adults, I think that, yes, we should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed.”

Harris has not always believed that prostitution ought to be decriminalized. She opposed a San Francisco ballot initiative in 2008 to decriminalize prostitution.

“I think it’s completely ridiculous, just in case there’s any ambiguity about my position,” she told the New York Times. “It would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes to come on into San Francisco.”

Despite the flip-flopping, the “vice president’s campaign did not respond to Axios when asked about her current position on sex work and whether it was closer to her 2008 or 2019 stance,” Thompson reported. 

Since joining the race in July, Harris has allegedly changed her view, outright flip-flopped, or has an unknown position in ten areas:

  1. Amnesty for so-called “Dreamers” (Refuses to say if she still supports)
  2. Banning plastic straws (Flip-flopped)
  3. mandate for only producing electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035 (Unknown)
  4. Banning fracking (Flip-flopped)
  5. Gun confiscation through a buyback program (Allegedly no longer supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  6. Decriminalizing illegally crossing the southern border (Allegedly no longer supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  7. Reparations (Unknown)
  8. Building a border wall (Formerly opposed, now allegedly supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  9. A federal jobs guarantee (Allegedly no longer supports, according to anonymous campaign spokesperson)
  10. Medicare for All (Flip-flopped)

More on Harris’s flip-flops are here.

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former RNC War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.


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