Poll: Presidential Race Neck and Neck Nationally, but Momentum Behind Trump

Paul D. Williams, Lawrence Jackson/White House via Flickr

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are neck and neck nationally, but Trump has the momentum after surging three points in a month, according to a Marist/NPR/PBS News poll.

The September 3-5 poll, published Tuesday, finds 48 percent of 1,413 registered voters sampled back Trump, while 49 percent back Harris. One percent is undecided, and one percent would support a third-party candidate.

Trump has gained three points of support since the Marist/NPR/PBS News August 1-4 poll, when he landed at 45 percent with registered voters in a field with third-party options. That poll showed him three points back from Harris, who drew 48 percent. And while she has climbed one percent following the Democratic National Convention, her edge has slipped two points since August.

The previous survey also showed that independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. garnered five percent of support. Since then, he has suspended his campaign and is supporting Trump; his endorsement’s influence seems apparent in the September poll.

Of the registered voters sampled, 1,164 “definitely plan to vote” in the election. Harris leads Trump 51 percent to 48 percent among these likely voters when undecideds are forced to choose a candidate they lean toward.  She led by four points on this front in early August.

Trump has the edge with independents, with 49 percent support versus Harris’s 46 percent. This marks a 14-point swing his way since the August survey when he trailed Harris 48 percent to 37 percent.

Moreover, Trump bests Harris among Hispanic voters (51 percent to 47 percent). This marks a massive net 19-point swing in Trump’s favor compared to the last Marist/NPR/PBS poll when Harris had a 54 percent to 39 percent advantage.

He is also up 4 percent month-over-month with black voters, garnering 24 percent of support in the latest survey.

The margin of error for the registered voter sample in the latest poll is ±3.3 percentage points. It is ± 3.6 percent for the subgroup of likely voters.

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