The vast majority of President Joe Biden’s 2020 supporters who are independents or Democrats are unaware of the “radical” policy positions Vice President Kamala Harris has held, according to a Media Research Center (MRC)/McLaughlin & Associates poll.

A review by the MRC finds that legacy media outlets have largely failed to illuminate these issues as Harris hopes to cobble together Biden’s 2020 coalition.

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The poll, first revealed by MCR’s NewsBusters, found that anywhere from 71 percent to 86 percent of the 400 independents and 800 Democrats polled are unaware of Harris’s “radical” record on particular issues. The following are ten instances demonstrating her highly partisan record and these voters’ staggering lack of awareness of them:

By a wide margin, respondents reported legacy broadcast news stations or cable news stations as their top sources for news about elections. Voters were asked to pick the top two ways they take in news, with 50 percent saying broadcast television, which includes ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News. Cable news was the second most reported mode at 41 percent. For reference, social media followed in third place at 34 percent.

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When that data is taken into account in conjunction with voters’ lack of awareness, the MRC suggests the poll reveals “a failure of these outlets to report on radical positions once (and perhaps currently) supported by the now-Democratic nominee for President.”

What is more, the MRC reviewed TV broadcast networks ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News’s night-time coverage of Harris from July 21, the day President Joe Biden bowed out of the race, to August 10. The analysis shows that only two of the ten issues in the poll received any coverage, which was “minimal,” while the other eight were neglected.

“It’s 2020 all over again. As it stands now, another leftist media coverup will decide the election,” MRC founder and President L. Brent Bozell III said, per NewsBusters.

The poll’s field dates are August 2-5. A margin of error was not listed.