Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is putting major cash into winning the Hispanic vote in his home state.

Cruz has launched a $4.4 million campaign, with a huge chunk of the money going to Spanish-language advertising, according to Axios.

The outlet said, “It is the largest investment the Cruz campaign has ever made into Hispanic advertising as the GOP continues to court the country’s largest non-white voting bloc,” noting that in Texas, Latinos make up a huge portion of the population.

The Axios report continued:

The Cruz campaign’s $4.4 million investment includes broadcast and digital ads, as well as billboards, text messages and phone calls targeting Hispanic Texans. The effort started this month and will run through Nov. 5.

“It has long been said that Hispanics are Republican, they just don’t know it yet, which is why Senator Cruz is committed to ensuring that every Hispanic household hears his message loud and clear,” Cruz campaign spokesperson Macarena Martinez said in a statement.

In February, a poll found the Democrat Party was losing support from black and Hispanic voters, Breitbart News reported.

During an interview with Breitbart News in March, former President Donald Trump, who is now the Republican nominee for president in 2024, said the primary drivers of demographic shifts in the electorate where women and minorities are abandoning the Democrats to support him are “safety and security.”

He said polls show “numbers we’ve never seen” before with women, black, and Hispanic voters.

In May, Breitbart News reported:

Job Creators Network (JCN) has teamed with Bienvenido and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference to launch the Hispanic Vote Coalition, staffed by a veteran national director and two experienced state directors to coalesce a national grassroots strategy in six pivotal swing states including Arizona and Pennsylvania ahead of the presidential election.

“The Hispanic Vote Coalition was launched to reach Hispanic voters on issues that are important to them, inform Hispanic voters of which policies align most closely with their values and the American Dream, and correct the misinformation that has been forced upon these voters for many years,” Job Creators Network said in a statement.

WATCH: Exclusive — Sen. Ted Cruz on Hispanics Shifting to GOP: “Democrats Are Openly Racist”

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