Exclusive – Prominent Republicans at RNC Say GOP Party of Unity: ‘Only Divisive Party I See Is the Democrat Party’

Nick Gilbertson / Breitbart News

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin — Prominent Republicans at the Republican National Convention (RNC) emphasized to Breitbart News on Wednesday that the GOP is, in fact, the party of unity while the Democratic Party is the party of division.

On the heels of President Joe Biden’s call for “unity” that was viewed as laughable by RNC-goers Monday in light of years of vitriolic rhetoric toward MAGA Republicans and Trump — who was nearly assassinated on Saturday —Breitbart News briefly spoke with one of Trump’s attorneys, Alina Habba.

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“I think if you take a look at how they’ve attacked [Trump] every sort of way, the fact that I am now well-known because I’ve had to be on courtroom steps for the last three years fighting for him, the only divisive party I’ve seen is the Democrat party and Joe Biden’s administration,” Habba stated.

“It’s a shame, it’s a sham, and I think it’s important the American people are waking up,” she added.

Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), a staunch Trump supporter, spoke with Breitbart News about the “hypocrisy” on the left, pointing to charged rhetoric from the likes of President Joe Biden and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over the years.

“This is the exact same party who claimed to be the party of peace, the party of law and order, even though they are out there saying, ‘Defund the police,’ painting it on the streets, even though they were out here saying things, like Maxine Waters, ‘You need to be able to get in the face of all of your elected officials,’” Mills noted. “Or Joe Biden’s comment, which is so inflammatory and dangerous, where he says, it’s time to put Trump in the ‘bullseye.’ And now we’ve seen what’s happened.”

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“When President Trump made the comment we should go home peacefully, that was enough to create a J6 unselect Committee, which was illegitimized, and they went after the president for saying that he incited violence,” he added. “They’re the exact same people who are now saying that they defend law enforcement, the exact same people who said we believe in unity.”

According to the Florida congressman, the political maneuvering on the left, driven by the party’s progressive win, illustrates division.

“The hypocrisy and the political shifting within the Democrat party shows that they’re in a division right now where their progressive left wing of it, where everyone’s starting to pander to, is taking over the identity of their party,” the Congressman went on to add. “Here’s the best part: The Democrats will forecast and tell you their playbook; whatever they’re accusing us of is the very thing that they actually are doing.”

WATCH — Biden: Shouldn’t Have Said to Put Trump in Bullseye, I “Meant Focus on” His Rhetoric, Policies:

Outside Panther Arena, a few blocks south of the Fiserv Forum, Rep. Carlos Giménez (R-FL) emphasized that the GOP is unified while simultaneously pointing out that many Democrats are trying to move Biden out of the top of the ticket.

“We’re united. Look, they’ve always said that we’re not united because we just within the party, we may have some differences of opinion, but we’re pretty much united in the direction we want the country to go in, and we have been for a very long time. The Democrats just fall in line. They do what they’re told to do, and that’s not really good for the country,” he said.

“They’re all frazzled now because they say that we were a threat to democracy, and yet, hey, they’re trying to find a way to somehow get rid of their democratically nominated presidential candidate. So isn’t that something? Who’s really the threat to democracy here?” he added.

Breitbart News also interviewed West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, the Republican gubernatorial nominee in the Mountain State. Morrisey said Trump’s policy vision unites people because it bests Biden’s inflation-driving policies, and “regardless of where you are from, people know that President Trump has an optimistic view of America.”

The attorney general sees Trump’s America First policies and themes — “making America wealthy again, making America safe again, promoting energy independence, ending lawfare, enforcing the rule of law,” as “resonating with everyday Americans in a way that the Democrats can’t.”

WATCH — WV AG Patrick Morrisey on the WV Governor’s Race, Battling the Administrative State:

M. Perdie, J. Knudsen / Breitbart News

“So many of the Democrat policies under Biden are so radical,” Morrisey said, adding that “they are doing absolutely nothing about” the fentanyl epidemic. He also pointed to Biden’s electric vehicle policy.

“They’re trying to advance a mandatory electric vehicle policy, which would be economically disastrous for our country,” Morrisey said. “Their policies are doing nothing but driving inflation through the roof. President Trump and the Republican Party have a good answer for that, and that’s why you’re seeing people unify, because better policies, better people in place, and that’s why we’re going to win.”

Morrisey also complimented Trump on running an “incredible” campaign and said his pick of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate “is going to help ensure that we win in November.”

Virginia Republicans senate candidate Hung Cao told Breitbart News that the left is “motivated by hate” while Republicans “are motivated by love.”

“The left is motivated by hate directed at one man. They will stop at nothing, all the way up to and including violating the will of their own voters, the millions who voted for Joe Biden in Democratic primaries earlier this year,” Cao wrote in a statement. “But we are motivated by love: love of God, love of family, and love of country — the greatest nation on Earth. We are united as Americans, and we will win.”

Journalist Jack Posobiec spoke with Breitbart News outside the Panther Arena and underscored that “Donald Trump has always stood for unity.”

“Donald Trump has always said, ‘Make America Great Again,’” he stated. “It was always the left; it was always the left-wing media that was adding words to that statement. They were the ones who said, ‘Make America Great Again only for a certain group of people.’ Donald Trump has always said make it great again for all Americans.”

“He defines people as Americans and not Americans. So just your basic understanding of what is an American; that’s it. He never stood for division,” Posobiec, the host of Human Events Daily on Real America’s Voice added. “He never went in for this stuff, and there were times where people tried to push him to do so, famously at Charlottesville, and they completely twisted his words, lied about what he said to put him into their box. So he’s stood for unity for 10 years, and I think finally, finally, people are waking up to it.”

One man who can be seen at every Trump Rally sporting a brick pattern suit, Blake Marnell, who goes by the nickname “Brick Suit,” told Breitbart News that Democrats “sowed the division” in America.

Marnell said, “It certainly seems to be the dynamic” that Republicans are united and the left is fractured and called out Democrats for being dividers of America at large.

“And it’s not only is the left divided within itself, but let’s not forget that they’re the ones who put the wedge in the log and swung the hammer,” he said. “Joe Biden going up in a podium and calling everybody who supports President Trump MAGA extremists, and blaming us all for that… they sowed the division, and now they’re going to reap it.”

The unity on the right and the apparent in-roads Trump and Republicans continue to make, evidenced by a slew of polling, are also backdropped by deep tensions within the Democrat Party over Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas. Widespread protest efforts from progressives, young voters, Muslims, and Arab-Americans are further threatening his election bid, as documented in the grassroots “Uncommitted movement,” which saw hundreds of thousands of Democrat primary voters reject him this cycle.


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