Montana’s Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate, Tim Sheehy, laid out his plan to defeat Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) during an interview with Breitbart News at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Sheehy said Tester is a career politician whose record has always been progressive, and he has hundreds of millions of dollars behind him in the battleground state.

However, a confident Sheehy explained, “Our message this time is different, I think, than previous races. And our message is, number one, common sense. We’ve got to bring common sense back to this country.”

“Montanans, I think, for the first time ever — or at least in recent memory — are really feeling the effect of national policies,” he added, citing gas prices, inflation, home prices, the southern border, and out-of-control crime bleeding over onto his state’s residents.

Sheehy also said Tester has voted for leftist policies every time, and Montanans are waking up to the consequences of his record.

Breitbart News reported on June 26 that polling showed Sheehy had a narrow three-point lead over incumbent Tester.

“Montana matters because the outcome will help decide who runs the U.S. Senate with 51 seats next year. Currently, RealClearPolitics shows Republicans with 49 safe seats and Democrats with 43. Montana, along with Texas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, are still toss-ups,” the outlet’s John Nolte wrote.

A recent report suggested Tester and several other Democrat senators believe that President Joe Biden will lose to former President Donald Trump in the November election, per Breitbart News.

“It makes sense that Tester would express trepidation about Biden’s prospects, given his vulnerable position in the purple (trending red) state of Montana, where he trails in his reelection bid behind Republican Tim Sheehy,” the article said.