RFK Jr. Running Mate Nicole Shanahan: ‘DNC and Legacy Media’ Responsible for Hysteria Ripping Country Apart

Vice Presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan speaks during a rally for Independent presiden

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan blasted the Democratic National Committee and the media for the “hysteria” ripping the country apart after a shooter attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

Shanahan wrote in a post on X:

When we treat our political rivals like they are the enemy of the state, we radicalize our country. I am very glad Trump is safe. The demonization of his image by the DNC and legacy media is responsible for the hysteria that is ripping this country apart.

She also blasted the DNC for calling Trump a “danger.”

“Now having been on the receiving end of the DNC’s campaign of lies, I know most of what they’ve said about ‘Trump’s danger’ is an absolute falsehood. My heart breaks for the family of the individual whose life was lost at the rally in such a violent way. Let this be a lesson to all political leaders: when you dehumanize your opponent and radicalize your base, you are responsible for the violence that inevitably ensues,” she posted.

RFK Jr., who is running for president in 2024 as an Independent, posted:

Now is the time for every American who loves our country to step back from the division, renounce all violence, and unite in prayer for President Trump and his family.

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