CLAIM: Former President Donald Trump said that record illegal immigration on President Joe Biden’s watch will “wipe out” Social Security and Medicare due to tremendous costs.

VERDICT: Partially true. Research from the Center for Immigration Studies reveals that amnesty for illegal aliens will pose immense costs to Social Security and Medicare.

On Thursday evening, Trump accused Biden of destroying Social Security and Medicare for Americans with his policies that admit millions of migrants to the United States.

“He’s destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in,” Trump said. “They’re putting them on Medicare. They’re putting them on Social Security; they’re going to destroy Social Security.”

“This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security,” Trump continued. “There are millions and millions of people coming in — they’re trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security; he will wipe out Medicare.”

Trump’s claim is partially true.

Though there is little known about if the Biden administration is working to import migrants to specifically get them on Social Security and Medicare, research from the Center for Immigration Studies shows that legalizing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens will “impose steep costs” on both programs.

“If 10 million illegal immigrants receive amnesty, the total cost to Social Security and Medicare would be roughly $1.3 trillion, equivalent to a one-time transfer of 6 percent of GDP,” the research states.

The research suggests that Biden’s executive amnesty, benefitting hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the U.S., could cost Social Security and Medicare as much as $71 billion.

RELATED EXCLUSIVE: Large Group of Migrants from Many Nations Crosses Border into Arizona

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.