CBS News Poll: 39% ‘Unsurprised’ at Trump’s Conviction, 34% ‘Disappointed’

A supporter weeps after finding out about Donald Trump's conviction on May 30, 2024,
David Dee Delgado/Getty

Thirty-nine percent of Americans were unsurprised that Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg won the conviction of former President Donald Trump, while 34 percent felt disappointed, a CBS News poll found Sunday.

The survey suggests Americans have mixed feelings about the conviction, which many legal commentators believe was secured by novel legal theory. Trump pledged on May 31 to appeal the verdict. Sentencing is scheduled for mid-July, shortly before the Republican Party’s convention.

The poll sampled 989 adults from May 30-June 1 with a 5.2 point margin of error. The trial concluded on May 30.

The poll asked respondents, “How do you personally feel about Donald Trump being found guilty? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY”

The poll found:

  • Surprised – 22 percent
  • Unsurprised – 39 percent
  • Angry – 25 percent
  • Disappointed – 34 percent
  • Sad – 22 percent
  • Relieved – 29 percent
  • Glad – 3percent
  • Hopeful – 1percent

The poll also asked respondents, “Has this case made you more confident or less confident in the U.S. justice system, or has it had no impact either way?”

A plurality said the trial made them less confident in the justice system, while one third said it made no impact on them.  

  • More confident – 27 percent
  • Less confident – 40 percent
  • No impact – 33 percent

“This can’t be allowed to happen to other presidents; it should never be allowed to happen in the future,” Trump said day after the verdict was reached. “But this is far beyond me. This is bigger than Trump. This is bigger than me.”

“Make America great again,” he said. “Remember November 5.”

Related: WATCH — Donald Trump Speaks After Convicted on All 34 Counts: “This Is Far from Over”

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.


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