Former President Donald Trump is tied with His Fraudulency Joe Biden at 42 percent in the blue state of Virginia.

According to a Roanoke College poll:

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are tied (42%-42%) in a head-to-head matchup in Virginia, while Biden holds a two-point lead (40%-38%) when other candidates are included, according to the Roanoke College Poll. The Institute for Policy and Opinion Research (IPOR) at Roanoke College interviewed 711 likely voters in Virginia between May 12 and May 21, 2024. The survey has a weighted margin of error of 4.24%.

Currently, in the RealClearPolitics average of Virginia polls, Biden leads by only three points, 44.7 percent to 41.7 percent.

Either way, this is a big swing in Trump’s direction. Back in 2020, we were told Biden won Virginia by nearly ten points (45 to 44.6 percent), which was in line with the polling at the time.

In fact, the final 2020 Roanoke College poll out of Virginia showed Biden winning by 11 points, 53 to 42 percent. On Wednesday, that same poll shows a tie.

Much has changed in Virginia since 2020. In 2021, Glenn Youngkin pulled an upset win over former Democrat Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe to become only the second Republican governor of Virginia in 25 years. Until the closing days of the campaign, McAuliffe had been steadily ahead by as much as five points. On election night, Youngkin won by two points.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) (Julio Cortez/AP)

Wednesday’s Roanoke College poll shows Youngkin enjoying a 52 percent approval, compared to a 40 percent disapproval rating. Meanwhile, Biden’s approval/disapproval rating in Virginia sits at a miserable — and record (for this poll) low — 35 percent approval to 61 percent disapproval.

In the favorable/unfavorable department, Biden and Trump sit at 36/58 and 36/57, respectively. In what had been a solid blue state since 2008, that is terrible news for Hunter’s Dad.

Virginia isn’t the only reliably blue state where Trump is currently ahead or in a statistical tie. In the RealClearPolitics average of state polls, Trump is currently +0.5 in Michigan, +5.4 in Nevada, +2.3 in Pennsylvania, +0.1 in Wisconsin, and down only 2.3 in Minnesota.

If you’re wondering why Biden, Democrats, and the corporate media are so desperate to imprison Trump, this is why.

It will likely be a close race, but there is no question Biden will be playing defense in states we were told he won easily in 2020 — not only those states listed above but states like Arizona and Georgia. Meanwhile, Trump will be contesting for states like Virginia and Minnesota — states that seemed like pie in the sky a few months ago. Hell, Ronald Reagan won 49 states in 1984, but he didn’t win Minnesota.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook